Woman Battling Depression & PTSD after Major Weight Loss

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Tiffani successfully lost 165 pounds but realized that she's dealing with the weight and pain of her past.

During a meeting with clinical psychologist Dr. Judy Ho she shares details of an alleged sexual assault from her childhood. A recent run-in with the man who allegedly assaulted her has caused her to experience flashbacks and depression. She says it is now affecting how she interacts with her children and husband Richard.

Watch: Woman Treats Her PTSD with Wolves

She tells The Doctors the pain is "suffocating." Despite her pain, she says she is attempting to "rewire her brain" and move forward.

The Doctors bring in PTSD specialist Dr. Eugene Lipov, who pioneered a groundbreaking treatment for PTSD. With a simple epidermal injection to the neck, he is often able to stop the symptoms of PTSD. Dr. Lipov explains that this treatment has been successful for other people who have experienced trauma related to abuse. Dr. Lipov offers to treat Tiffani at no cost.

Watch: Man Crippled by PTSD After Being Shot 5 Times

Tiffani is also dealing with excess skin following her dramatic weight loss. The Doctors arrange for her to meet with plastic surgeon Dr. Greg Ratliff of the Plastic Surgery Center of Tulsa for a consultation. If she is a good candidate for skin removal surgery, Dr. Ratliff has offered the surgery at no cost to Tiffani.