Wild Horses Crash Couple's Camping Cookout and People Can't Get Enough

Even horses can't resist the smell of a hot grill.

After a long day of setting up camp and enjoying the bounty of nature, nothing sounds quite as satisfying as a freshly grilled dinner. As one couple discovered on a recent trip to Mt. Charleston, Nevada, even horses can't resist the smell of a good barbecue. Who can blame them?

In the awe-inspiring video that @randi_rogue posted on her TikTok account, a herd of wild horses approach her husband, who is grilling that evening's meal. Though most of the animals just hang around, one even decides to check out what he's up to! Sounds pretty unbelievable, right?

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Okay, it's official--you can add us to the list of people who are jealous AF of Randi's husband! Just like she said in the pinned comment of this post, he's "now a Disney Princess! Should we call him Grilling Beauty or Camperella? 😂." LMAO! Cast one vote for Grilling Beauty, please! 

We can totally relate to @justagirlplus8 who admitted, "My toxic trait is thinking I can fit them all in my car and take them home to take care of them 😉😂❤️." Ha! That's totally something we'd consider, but this couple was smart to even be cautious about petting them! They are wild animals, after all. 

"It’s just the Neigh-bors 🐴," said @amariiz, who gets our vote for Best Pun of the post. They certainly must be! Several other commenters reported seeing horses in that area of Nevada--and they're known for being pretty nosy.

"Mount Charleston is magical!" shared @sabbyrina318. "The horses are my favorite part but they are total thieves lol." That's too funny! We can totally see how they've gotten used to human interaction, but we're glad they're still able to be healthy, wild horses. Just like @_madrose said, "Such an amazing experience considering almost all the wild horses in the west were destroyed. Truly a gift. I’d cherish it forever."