Why Sia Cooper Photoshopped Herself to Match the "Perfect" Body Types Depicted Throughout History

Why Sia Cooper Photoshopped Herself to Match the "Perfect" Body Types Depicted Throughout History Cooper Photoshopped herself to fit the "perfect" body standard of today and that of various times throughout history. To start, she focused on the Roaring '20s—a time when the desired body type was "boyish." Cooper highlighted the '50s, noting that many women of the time idolized the curves of stars like Marilyn Monroe. In the '60s and '70s, beauty standards totally changed: Many women strived to be "thin and girly." Jumping to the '90s, the "waif look took over." Finally, Cooper highlighted what she calls the "postmodern beauty era." Cooper says she felt inspired to share this message because she's felt the pressure to conform to unrealistic standards. Cooper hopes her post shows what a huge role the media plays in reinforcing these expectations of beauty. Thanks to the body positivity movement, these unrealistic expectations of beauty are changing. "If you want to be truly happy, focus on self-acceptance and body love," Cooper says.