Here’s Why Red Ants Are So Much Worse Than Black Ants, According to Experts

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Prevention

It’s easy to lump ants into one category (you know, annoying pests you want out of your house ASAP), but there are actually more than 12,000 species around the world and each type of ant has its own unique qualities.

But given how tiny these critters are, most people just spot obvious differences, like their coloring. Most ants you will come across are black, but if you happen to spot a red ant wandering around you home, you’re probably going to have questions.

Here’s everything you need to know about red ants vs. black ants, how they differ, and what you can do to get rid of both.

What are black ants?

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Photo credit: onlyyouqj - Getty Images

The term “black ants” is pretty wide-reaching, given that most ants are black, says entomologist Roberto M. Pereira, Ph.D., an insect research scientist with the University of Florida. “The name ‘black ant’ doesn’t mean anything,” he says.

That’s because there are many species of ants that are colored black, adds Desiree Straubinger, a board-certified entomologist and market technical director for Western Exterminator. “To properly identify ants, you need to examine the ants with a microscope to count antennae segments and see the body structure of the ant,” she says. “Using color to identify ants is difficult because they will vary in color between populations.”

However, there is an ant called the little black ant (Monomorium minimum), and they tend to swarm in the summer around June to August, says Frank Meek, technical services manager at Rollins.

Where do black ants live?

While they may meander into your home in search of food, water, or shelter, they typically like living outdoors, Straubinger says. “Ants are extremely resourceful and will form colonies in spaces like wall and ceiling voids if they are able to get in and establish themselves indoors,” she says. “Eliminating colonies outside before they get inside is preferable as they are much more difficult to eliminate once indoors.”

Do black ants bite?

Yes, but the bites are so small and minor that you may not even notice. “Just about every ant will bite you as a form of defense,” Pereira says. “Most little ants don’t have much of a punch with their bite, though. Plus, most don’t have a stinger and you really wouldn’t feel anything.”

How to get rid of black ants

Experts say there are two main methods of getting rid of black ants, and they generally break down into these categories:

  • Make your kitchen spotless. Ants usually come into homes in search of food, which is why it’s so important to be on top of crumbs and spills, Pereira says.

  • Use bait. Killing ants one by one won’t do much. Instead, you need to get to their headquarters. “It is important to get pesticide into the heart of the colony to eliminate the entire colony,” Straubinger says. “If you just spray the ants you see, you are not eliminating the colony and in some cases, the ants can get worse.” Sometimes, making your own DIY ant killer will do the trick, too.

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Photo credit: camacho9999 - Getty Images

What are red ants?

There can be more than one type of red ant but, in general, these are usually red imported fire ants, Pereira says. Fire ants are usually medium size (when compared to other ants) and some can be up to ¼ inch long. Fire ants are notorious for their aggressive nature and will go on the offense when their nest is disturbed, Pereira says.

Where do red ants live?

Fire ants like warmer climates, so you’re more likely to see them in southern states. “They don’t usually occur above Maryland or Oklahoma,” Pereira says.

Fire ants “often nest in soil and other moist environments such as irrigated lawns and the edges of riverbanks and ponds,” Meek says. “Indoors, they can be found entering through cracks and utility penetrations in concrete at times.”

Do red ants bite?

Just like black ants, red ants will bite as a form of defense. “Even the fire ant can bite you with their mandibles, but it doesn’t hurt that much,” Pereira says. What will hurt, though, is a fire ant’s sting.

“When they’re going to sting you, a fire ant will first bite you to hold onto your skin and then sting you with their stinger,” Pereira says. “They’ll inject venom, and that causes a burning sensation.”

How to get rid of red ants

Red ants—especially if they’re fire ants—are not something you want to mess with. If you see just a few, you may have luck with bait traps and cleaning up spills. But, if you’re noticing more, Straubinger recommends calling in a professional exterminator.

“Because red imported fire ants can be sometimes a danger to humans and pets, it is a good idea to consult with professionals regarding ways to control them,” she says. “A trained professional will come to your home and conduct a thorough inspection inside and outside to develop a customized treatment plan.”

In general, Pereira says you can often get rid of ants with the proper bait and clean-up methods. But if you’re struggling or the ants just don’t seem to be going away, don’t hesitate to call for help.

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