White hummingbirds spotted in Mississippi: How rare are they?

Most hummingbirds in the eastern part of North America are making their way south toward Central America where they will spend winter.

Along the way, they are building fat reserves to fuel them on a non-stop flight across the Gulf of Mexico, which means people are seeing more hummingbirds at feeders.

"I've got three feeders and I'm filling them up twice a day," said Jimmy Dixon of Bogue Chitto. "One is a little smaller and I fill it up three times a day.

"I've probably got over 100 (hummingbirds) here. It's the first time I've had this many. They probably think I'm making moonshine because I'm buying so much sugar."

As enjoyable as it is to have the visitors, one is like no other he's encountered in his life; a rare white hummingbird.

"He's snow white," Dixon said. "He's been here since Thursday.

"I couldn't believe my eyes. I said, 'What in the world?'"

Dixon said the bird is skittish and difficult to approach close enough to take a quality photograph of, but he's managed to get images.

"Everybody I've showed it to said, 'I'm jealous,'" Dixon said.

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Albino and leucistic hummingbirds

According to the educational and research initiative Operation RubyThroat: The Hummingbird Project, there are two genetic conditions that cause hummingbirds to be white. The more common condition, although still rare, is leucism. Leucistic hummingbirds can have white plumage or in some cases light tan or gray. Leucistic birds can also have patches of color. While their feather coloration is abnormal, the legs, eyes, and beaks will be black like a normal hummingbird.

The rarest of the white hummingbirds are true albinos. These birds completely lack pigment, so feathers are white, and legs, beaks and eyes are pink.

Randy Fullerton of Sardis was lucky enough to encounter and photograph one in 2019.

"It was Oct. 18 in 2019," Fullerton said. "We keep our feeders up late because there's always some stragglers coming through."

Fullerton said he noticed an unusual hummingbird in his peripheral vision a couple of times and after a few glimpses he realized what he was seeing. An avid photographer, he immediately grabbed a camera because he knew it was something special.

"I'd never seen one," Fullerton said. "I'd never heard of anyone that had seen one.

"I didn't know of such a thing. I had to research it."

The bird's visit was a brief one, though.

"He stayed there that day," Fullerton said. "Next morning, I didn't see anything."

So, how rare are these birds in Mississippi? According to Hummingbird Central, an online gathering place for hummingbird enthusiasts, seven have been documented and recorded on the website since 2018 including Fullerton's sighting. How many individuals that represents is unknown because a single bird could account for more than one sighting and it's likely that not all of them are reported.

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White hummingbirds are a short-lived treat

Cyndi Routledge of Southeastern Avian Research put the numbers of white hummingbirds into perspective. She's captured and banded more than 14,000 hummingbirds since 2009.

"In that time I've banded two white hummingbirds and one was in August and the other in September," Routledge said. "We see or hear about maybe six to a dozen each summer."

The timing of the sightings and captures of white hummingbirds is significant. They are almost all in summer and fall. The absence of spring sightings is an indicator that they don't live very long.

"They never see their first birthday," Routledge said. "All the banders, some 200 master banders, never have we caught an adult white bird.

"Like other white species in nature, they're a sitting duck. They stand out like a sore thumb and predators pick them off."

Routledge said they also have brittle wings that may not stand up to the stress of migration and they are tormented by other hummingbirds.

So, knowing the challenges they face, an encounter with a white hummingbird may be bittersweet for some, but for Dixon, it's something he doesn't want to end.

"I'll be sad when he flies south," Dixon said. "I don't want him to leave."

Contact Brian Broom at 601-961-7225 or bbroom@gannett.com.

This article originally appeared on Mississippi Clarion Ledger: Rare white hummingbirds seen in Mississippi. What are they?