Tell Me The Worst Thing You've Accidentally Overheard A Coworker Say About You

A few years ago, I overheard a coworker — who I'd been working with for years — complaining about me and basically calling me lazy. Not the worst thing I've ever been called, by far, but I felt incredibly awkward around him after that. And since I had to work with this person every single day for eight hours, and it was just the two of us for most of it, I dreaded going to work.

woman at her computer looking annoyed
David Sacks / Getty Images

Has anything like this ever happened to you?

Maybe you work in an office, and you overheard your coworker — who always thinks you're in some sort of competition with each other — trying to sabotage you by telling your boss that you contributed nothing to the latest project, even though you did most of the work. So now you feel like you have to do double the workload just to prove to your boss that you're valuable.

someone leaning back in their officer chair giving a smile to someone
someone leaning back in their officer chair giving a smile to someone

Disney-ABC Domestic Television / Via

Maybe you work in retail, and when a customer came in to complain about being overcharged, you heard your coworker telling the customer that it was your fault, that you were incompetent, and that they should call corporate and try to get you fired. And now you can't trust that coworker ever again, or maybe you even quit to avoid being around them.

woman rolling her eyes
woman rolling her eyes

Brown Sugar / Via

Or even worse, you heard a few coworkers commenting on your physical appearance, making going to work an incredibly uncomfortable experience for you. And now you're so self-conscious about how you present yourself that it's practically affecting your work.

woman saying, i want to burn this place down
woman saying, i want to burn this place down

Lionsgate Television / Via

Whatever it was, I want to hear about it. In the comments below, tell me about a time you overheard your coworker talking about you behind your back. If you want to remain anonymous, you can submit your story using this Google Form.

Your experience may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!