Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, Based on Your Sign

Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

From Cosmopolitan

You don’t need to be a tarot card pro, to get your cards read. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries-Pisces, plus one general card for everyone, so that you can get specific advice around your personality.

Basically, if your bank account is not ready for a full tarot reading just yet, this one should help tide you over for now!


You’ll be tested this week, but don’t worry or try to run away—everything happens for a reason, ya know? The Five of Swords shows that conflict is arising because something has outlived its purpose or value, and you’re ready to cut ties with it finally. This won’t feel sad or painful, because it’s simply the right time. Once you’ve consciously disengaged, all that angst and tension will disappear. And you’ll wonder why you held on for so long here.


We’re all busy. We’ve all got lots of commitments, obligations, projects and priorities, vying for our time and energy. You’re no different, Aries, except that you’ve got, let’s say, a bigger tolerance than most, so your load is typically even heavier. This week, with the plate-spinning Two of Coins, will feel mega busy and, you know what, revel in it. It’s a blessing to have sooo much in your life. Enjoy running around like your head is, ahem, on fire. You’re a pro.


Don’t freak out! Everyone dreads this card. It’s got a bad reputation because it heralds unforeseen changes and dramatic events that rock our world. The Tower is powerful, but it’s not innately negative, so please stop screaming. It visits us when something that has been wobbling for a while is finally ready to topple. It’s usually a relief, in a way, because the feelings of dread can end. You can start to rebuild on a much firmer foundation. You’ll be glad this happened (whatever it is).


PSA: This card does not! mean! literal! death! Death is a card that makes most people wince, because obviously. But really, it’s not scary. The card represents life cycles, the inevitable rise and fall of things, the natural course of endings leading to new beginnings. Something is due to leave your life; its time has come to a close. Don’t hold on, don’t cling to it, don’t resist this process. Let whatever needs to go go. And trust that better is coming to replace it.


It’s basically Thanksgiving, and The Hierophant is a great card for this time of year. It represents tradition, convention, and customs. The rituals and beliefs that tie us together in communities and groups. What do you adhere to? What traditions or customs bring you and yours closer? Look to lead, not follow, this winter season. Be the party planner, and invite others to join the fun!


The Eight of Coins is the tarot’s student, or life lesson, card… so there is something trying to educate you in some way this week. If you’ve been considering enrolling for some sort of workshop (cooking classes count and they’re delicious)—do it. If you’re struggling with something in your life, look at it through the lens as being a life lesson. What is this challenge trying to get you to understand or do differently? Maybe you’ve been resisting the lesson, maybe it’s easier to accept it and adapt to it.


Emotions are sticky and messy things, aren’t they? You’re ruled by Mercury and you’re way more of a thinker than a feeler, which, same. That said, the King of Cups will be following you around for the next seven days and he asks you to pay more attention to how you’re feeling. What’s going on with you, bb? What emotions are you feeling most rn? Recognize what’s going on—and why. Your feelings are a guide to where there might be a reason for change, let them lead you to areas which need work.


Justice is a big theme with you, Libra. You’re all about fairness and equality. On the other hand, you really don’t like conflict or tension, but it’s often a necessary evil. Someone’s gotta lose, right? The Ace of Swords has you in the hot seat this week, having to speak up and confront someone about something that just doesn’t sit right with you. Don’t worry, it’ll go better than you think, because you’re a natural diplomat and, deep down, this person knows they’re in the wrong.


Sometime in the last two months, you gave up on something (not without good reason, I know). The Nine of Wands asks you to review this decision, having had time and space to distance yourself and knowing what you know now. Did you do the right thing? Should you try again, or give it another chance? Only you can answer that, but the universe is nudging you to chill and reevaluate. Sometimes it’s only with hindsight we actually make the right decision, give yourself a chance to do that.


You’re a happy-go-lucky, spontaneous, fun-loving criminal, Saggie, and you’re in for one of your best-ever, magical weeks, so make the most of the cosmic party you’re invited to! The Sun is one of the tarot’s most positive cards: think celebrations, good times, high living, success, and fulfillment. Love is in the air, the future’s bright, the time is now. Go out, enjoy yourself, spread your Jupiter-y good vibes.


You’re known for being pretty hard on yourself, Cap. You don’t need telling twice, nor do you ever shirk your duties or cut corners. That said, you’ve let something slip a little recently, and The Hermit arrives to tap you on the shoulder to remind you of your commitment here. It’s probably something you do solo (studying, researching, exercising, learning) and, even though you appreciate its benefits, you’ve not applied yourself to it. Time to get back into the groove! Whatever it is, it’s good for you, and you should devote the right time and energy to it right now.


The Knight of Cups asks you to join him on a quest, a mission, an adventure of exploration this week to someplace new. A literal, physical journey to go see and do something different, off the beaten track, away from your usual stomping ground. You need these adventures, Aquarius. They keep you stimulated. (Being adventurous is sorta your thing.) Go have fun!


The King of Wands is all about risk-taking, bold moves, travel, inspiring decisions, and seizing the moment—whatever the consequences. Where, in your life, might you feel this kind of energy needs to flow? Identify the spot where you’re feeling growing pains or know you need change, and do something bold. Don’t overthink this. Don’t really even plan it that much—just do it! This will light a fire under that booty, making you move farther faster than you currently believe is possible.

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