Your Weekly Horoscope for May 23, 2021


Alex Sandoval

If you were to think about the most drama-filled month you've experienced lately, this May probably wouldn't be it — until now. Now, as we kick off eclipse season and start the second Mercury retrograde of the year (remember the first one? 😬), this relatively quiet month packs most of its astrological excitement into its final week.

On Sunday, May 23, the action gets going with taskmaster Saturn's retrograde in Aquarius. Until Sunday, October 10, the planet of structure will nudge you to do more inner versus external work to hit our goals and recognize where we need to be setting better boundaries.

Then, on Wednesday, May 26, it's time to embrace a big-time emotional release and potentially big changes when the lunar eclipse and full moon falls in Sagittarius. Because it forms a square to expansive Jupiter, whatever the eclipse brings to light could feel even bigger and more dramatic than it would otherwise. But Sagittarius is adaptable and spirited, so it shouldn't be too tough to find a way to embrace the positive side of even the most seemingly overwhelming emotions.

On Thursday, May 27, Venus in Gemini forms a square to dreamy Neptune in Pisces, creating confusion around relationships — with others as well as with yourself. It can be a helpful moment to practice mindfulness and remember that we are not our thoughts.

Thankfully, as we head into the weekend, on Friday into Saturday (1:13 a.m. ET/10:13 p.m. PT), messenger Mercury and romantic Venus pair up in chatty Gemini, making it easier to express how you feel, which can be especially helpful because on Saturday, May 29, Mercury goes retrograde, kicking off three weeks of potential confusion, technological glitches, transportation delays — but also a period that's perfect for revising, reflecting, and tying up loose ends.

Want to know more about how you can personally take advantage of this week's astrological highlights? Read on for your sign's weekly horoscope. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, if you know that, too. If not, consider getting a natal chart reading to find out.)

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡 and Relationships 💕

Around Wednesday, May 26, when the full moon and lunar eclipse lights up your ninth house of adventure, you could be feeling the weight of spending a whole year cooped up in your place, sticking to what has now come to feel like the same old mundane routine. It's time to own the fact that you want to break free and experience something totally eye-opening and spiritually satisfying — like a long-distance trip or a completely unique learning experience. And from Saturday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 22, messenger Mercury moves backward through your third house of communication, slowing down your usually zippy game plans and requiring you to reflect on the plans and relationships that are fully worth all your passionate energy.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡 and Money 🤑

Around Wednesday, May 26, the lunar eclipse and full moon activates your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy, possibly compelling you to unpack difficult, deep-rooted feelings around your closest bonds. But better understanding how old wounds are influencing your current relationships could be truly healing. And while communicator Mercury moves backward through your second house of income from Sunday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 22, you could feel compelled to think about the energy and talent you're pouring into your moneymaking plan. If it feels like something's out-of-whack, it could be a sign that it's time to streamline your efforts, ask for a raise, or get your ducks in a row so you have a better sense of what you're giving and receiving.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Wellness 🍏

Around Wednesday, May 26, when the lunar eclipse and full moon occurs in your seventh house of partnership, you could feel like it's time to embrace major changes in one of your closest one-on-one relationships, be it romantic, platonic, or professional. It's a moment to get really honest with yourself about how the bond makes you feel and act, whether it's promoting or derailing your path. In turn, you could decide to shift directions — even if it's just how you've been thinking about and prioritizing the connection. And from Saturday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 22, messenger Mercury, your ruling planet, heading backward through your sign, potentially putting the brakes on big-picture goals that are inextricably linked to your self-image. While you would much prefer to move at lightspeed, taking this moment to zhush your game plan can lead to even better results in the long-run. (Psst: Happy Gemini season! Here's what to expect from your astrological season this year.)

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Your weekly highlights: Wellness 🍏 and Personal Growth 💡

Frustrations related to your daily grind could reach a fever pitch around Wednesday, May 26 when the lunar eclipse and full moon falls in your sixth house of wellness. If you're not getting enough sleep, missing your favorite in-person workouts, or struggling to feel organized in how you're handling your everyday to-dos, this moment was made for figuring out why. Pinpointing the likely emotional root cause can help you prioritize your well-being in a whole new way. And while messenger Mercury moves backward through your twelfth house of spirituality from Saturday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 22, you could be consumed by daydreams and long-term hopes and wishes that feel just out of reach. Try to let yourself swim in the deep end of your imagination and intuition now instead of focusing on taking action, and you'll have even more clarity when the time comes to make your move.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Your weekly highlights: Creativity 🎨 and Relationships 💕

If you've been feeling like you're just putting your nose to the grindstone — at work and in life — without much creative fulfillment or joy, you can look forward to a breakthrough around Wednesday, May 26 when the lunar eclipse and full moon lights up your fifth house of romance and self-expression. You could be reminded just how empowering it is to own and use your voice in your work and in your relationships, and if you need to let your freak flag fly a little (or, okay, a lot) now, you'll feel compelled to do just that. And while messenger Mercury moves backward through your eleventh house of networking from Saturday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 22, you'll benefit from connecting with old colleagues and friends, perfecting all the details on existing team projects, and smoothing over any confusing social dynamics that will be made even more glaring now. (Related: What Your Moon Sign Means About Your Personality)

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Your weekly highlights: Love ❤️ and Career 💼

Around Wednesday, May 26, when the full moon and lunar eclipse occurs in your fourth house of home life, a triggering event could have you feeling extra aware of old emotional wounds. Reflecting on how your past is influencing your current closest bonds and inner sense of security could be no doubt totally daunting and challenging but also truly healing for you in the long-run. Consider talking through whatever comes up with your therapist or another trusted mentor. And while your ruling planet, messenger Mercury, moves backward through your tenth house of career from Saturday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 22, you'll be thinking about the strategies that can help you make progress in your professional path. But try not to get too happy in the weeds of your game plan. Gaining more clarity around your big picture goal now can set you up for even more success down the road.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Love ❤️

You could feel extra passionate about learning and connecting with people outside of your usual group of friends around Wednesday, May 26 when the lunar eclipse and full moon lights up your third house of communication. Sharing your thoughts and opinions with others can help you get a better sense of your own voice and what you have to bring to the table, all of which can be majorly empowering. And you'll want to get out of your comfort zone on Saturday, May 29 when romantic Venus, your ruling planet, pairs up with messenger Mercury in your ninth house of adventure. This could be the perfect time to enjoy a spontaneous date night, completely free of a concrete agenda, with your S.O. or someone special.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Your weekly highlights: Money 🤑 and Love ❤️

Around Wednesday, May 26, when the lunar eclipse and full moon lights up your second house of income, you might have a reality check related to moneymaking and need to take a microscope to how you've been spending, earning, and saving. Ultimately, it could be time to shore up your game plan for building security. And while messenger Mercury moves backward through your eighth house of emotional bonds from Saturday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 22, you could feel compelled to get more clear on what you need from a current or ideal partner. You could find that being on the same page on spiritual and financial matters is key to being able to move forward. And you'll have the green light now to initiate significant convos on the subject and hash out any issues.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡 and Love ❤️

When full moons hit your first house of self, you're sure to feel extra sensitive emotionally, and that could definitely be the case around Wednesday, May 26, when the lunar eclipse and full moon is in your sign. But you could also feel driven to move the ball forward on a long-term vision, to assert yourself in new ways, or to do self-work that will serve to boost your confidence. Basically, this big astrological event, of which your sign is the host, was made for taking steps toward strengthening your sense of self — even if the path feels a bit rocky at first. And while messenger Mercury moves backward through your seventh house of partnership from Saturday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 22, you could find it productive to rethink how to hit a goal you share with your sweetheart or a close friend. While communication could be crunchy at times, prioritizing patience and teamwork can help you make the most of the next three weeks.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth 💡 and Wellness 🍏

Your earthy pragmatism often keeps you focused on concrete, material aspects of everyday life, but around Wednesday, May 26 when the full moon and lunar eclipse falls in your twelfth house of spirituality, you could be overwhelmed by the intensity of your dreams and intuition. It's almost like you're being nudged to examine something beneath the surface, like a toxic relationship or habit that you need to kick in order to achieve your biggest aspirations. Giving yourself permission to tune into whatever you're picking up intuitively can ultimately make for major progress. And while messenger Mercury moves backward through your sixth house of wellness from Saturday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 22, consider reassessing and finessing your fitness plan and any other practices that help you stay centered. Maybe ClassPass doesn't make sense for your schedule anymore, but seeing a personal trainer or hiking with friends more often does. Revision can set the stage for results.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships 💕 and Sex 🔥

Around Wednesday, May 26 when the lunar eclipse and full moon falls in your eleventh house of networking, wanting to feel like you're a part of a team or better connected to your social network. You could finally meet up with BFFs you haven't seen since early last year and realize that although you might be incredibly independent, you don't have to be isolated. And while messenger Mercury is retrograde in your fifth house of romance and self-expression from Saturday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 22, you'll do best to let go of any calculated, definitive game plans for dating, sex, or any existing relationship as much as possible. The retrograde can't help but make everything in this area of your life feel a little bit frenetic and unpredictable, so leaning into that vibe, and embracing spontaneity can make for fireworks.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Your weekly highlights: Career 💼 and Relationships 💕

Around Wednesday, May 26 when the lunar eclipse and full moon lights up your tenth house of career, you could be inspired and motivated to take the bull by the horns when it comes to your professional track. Maybe you haven't been receiving the recognition you deserve on the job or your current position isn't fully in line with your long-term dream. Being open to big change and believing in yourself can serve as fuel for launching a whole new, more fulfilling chapter. And from Saturday, May 29 to Tuesday, June 22, messenger Mercury will be retrograde in your fourth house of home life, nudging you to slow down and enjoy your fave summer traditions with loved ones — but also tend to any emotional issues that come up along the way. Doing so can give you a greater sense of both where you've come from and where you're headed.

Maressa Brown is a writer and astrologer with more than 15 years of experience. In addition to being Shape's resident astrologer, she contributes to InStyle, Parents,, and more. Follow her Instagram and Twitter at @MaressaSylvie