Cool weekend coming


Hopefully you enjoyed Thursday’s 60s and 70s. A wind shift to the northeast will cool conditions across the region through the weekend. The coast will be coolest with highs stuck in the 50s through the weekend. Town in central Massachusetts will reach the 60s. You won’t find 70s unless you head out to western Massachusetts.

Clouds will thin at times, especially Friday evening and Saturday. That partial sun will come with dry weather.


Sunday morning’s weather is currently dry. Systems can always speed up or slow down, so be sure to follow the forecast through the weekend. A front will approach from the west and spread rain across New England as the day progresses. Showers will probably develop by early afternoon in central MA and late afternoon in eastern MA. Rain will peak at night through early Monday morning as that front comes through with 0.25-0.5″ rainfall.

Monday afternoon will be dry and WARM! Highs in the mid 70s are expected Monday and Tuesday.