I bought TikTok's viral sunset lamp - now I can't live without it

I bought the viral sunset lamp that is all over TikTok and now couldn't live without it. (Getty Images)
The sunset lamp went viral on TikTok and now I couldn't live without it. (Getty Images)

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How often are you up early enough to see the sunrise? How often are you even in a place or position to actually witness it in its fully glory, even if you are up at dawn? Not very frequently, if you're like me.

But, and sorry to sound smug here, what if I told you that I catch the sunrise - and the sunset - every single day?

And it isn't just me - it's thousands of people around the world.

No, you're not missing out on a cult gathering each day, you're just in need of a £12.99 sunset lamp.

For some time now, TikTok has been obsessed with the glowing sunset light, that merges yellow, orange and pink to project a pretty impressive hue onto your walls.

In short, this simple electronic that will truly transform your room into a golden hour, any hour - and give your space a glow like no other light I've ever seen.

TikTok users have been quick to share their love for the lamp, with multiple videos reaching over 6 million views – and for a while you couldn't get your hands on one anywhere.

So when I saw this particular Dimmable Sunset Lamp from Amazon was back in stock (and down from £14.99 to just £12.99), I couldn't add it to my basket quickly enough.

And I was just as impressed as everyone else - in fact, I have it on all the time.

I turn it on as soon as I wake up and find it boosts my mood instantly - I often sit reading or stretching in front of it, basking in its glow.

And it isn't just me, the light from a sunset lamp is believed to have a positive impact on serotonin and melatonin. According to Healthline: "These chemicals help control your sleep and wake cycle. Serotonin also helps reduce anxiety and improves mood. Low levels of serotonin have been linked to depression."

So realistic is it, that when I leave a room where I've had it on, I am almost shocked by the reminder that it is actually midday, rather than 6am.

I now work from home with it glowing away in the corner, it helps me to focus and think, and I often look up and gaze at it for a while instead of looking at my phone (miracles do happen).

In the evening we use it to create a cosy setting for watching a festive film or a more intimate feeling over dinner, and it instantly transforms a space if you're having a friend over.

Plus, since we only recently moved house, having something to pull the room together and make it feel more homely goes a long way.

In short, TikTok made me do it and I couldn't be more grateful.

Buy it: Dimmable Sunset Lamp | £12.99 (Was £14.99) from Amazon

£12.99 £14.99 at Amazon

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