Our Clean-Energy Future Depends on Big-Ass Power Lines

We’ve heard an awful lot of awful news when it comes to the climate crisis. But there are also very smart people working on clever ways for us to dig ourselves out of the hole we’re in. UNAPOCALYPSE is a series from Esquire that highlights ways humans can mitigate and adapt to the damage caused by a changing climate.

A true clean-energy transition will depend on big, centralized solar and wind facilities, and the most productive ones will often be located far away from our population centers. Broadly speaking, they’ll be in more rural areas in the middle of the country, while the majority of people live on the coasts. We need to move clean power from the places where we’ll harvest the bulk of it to the places where we’ll consume the bulk of it. To do that, we'll need to transform our power grid from more local systems serving local needs into something that more closely resembles the Interstate Highway System. We need to build some big-ass power lines, called transmission lines, to carry huge amounts of power across long distances.

In the video above, you can find a breakdown of why all this is necessary, the obstacles in our way, and what it might all look like. Dr. Joshua Rhodes, an energy research scientist at the University of Texas at Austin, was kind enough to lend his expertise. Let's get to building big things in America again.

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