"Turning Red" Is Finally Here, And The Reactions To It Range From Hilarious To Heartwarming

ICYMI, this past weekend Pixar's latest film, Turning Red, was released on Disney+.


The marvelously metaphorical film — which documents the coming-of-age story of 13-year-old Toronto native Mei Lee — is positively delightful! Having previously been one myself, I can truly say I've never seen a movie capture the pure chaotic weirdness that is being a teenage girl quite like this one does.


So, with that in mind, we took to Twitter to round up just a few of the very best reactions to (and jokes about) the film, compiling them into this easy-to-enjoy list for your viewing pleasure! Ready? I sure hope so! Here we go:

1.This absolute truth:

2.This quote to live by:

3.This title that could've been:

4.This undeniable fact:

5.This actual villain:

6.This unlocked memory:

7.This appropriate(?) murder:

8.This friend everyone deserves:

9.This relatable moment:

10.This truly amazing stuff:

11.This very catchy tune:

12.This unexpected friendship:

13.This facial expression appreciation:

14.This Euphoria crossover:

15.This sweet little detail:

16.This telling meme:

17.This fanfic I'd 110% read:

18.And finally — this important inclusion:

So, what did you think of Turning Red? Who was your favorite character? Share all of your thoughts in the comments below! Oh! And if you loved what you read, be sure to click through and follow your favorite users on Twitter to make your timeline a more fun, nerdy place to be!