Travis Richey Transforms Messes Into Messages of Hope and Second Chances for Inmates Through AccomplishED Ventures

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / October 23, 2020 / Behind the concerning recidivism rate in America-with over 65% of inmates released from California's prison system returning to prison within three years-is the need for multi-faceted programs for inmates and the lack of adequate services designed to deter and rehabilitate. Opportunities to grow as an individual and for learning how to become productive members of society are often inadequate, as well. This is why Travis Richey has made it his mission to change the global narrative surrounding second chances and prison reform, doing it from the inside out and impacting the prison system through his initiatives.

Along with his business partner Andrew Medal, Travis Richey has been fighting recidivism and addressing the social problems of mass incarceration by providing the incarcerated population and returning citizens the job skills and training they need to succeed. Having both experienced the setback of prison, Travis and Andrew are living testaments of how the past does not have to define one's future. And taking on the responsibility of transforming their past mess into a message of hope and second chances, they are now making a mark in the lives of countless inmates through AccomplishED Ventures, a company that offers educational, job training, and hard skills for reentry and returned citizens. Its establishment is in recognition of how the prison system and its ill-informed decisions regarding inmates contribute to the reoffending rate in the US.

Travis Richey is credited for developing a curriculum that focuses on life skills, such as overcoming adversity. It is utilized for teaching courses that respond to the immediate needs that an inmate will have within the first week of being released, including employment and housing. And with this curriculum, together with his speaking engagements, this Tony Robbins of the prison world has established himself as a go-to resource in the field.

Through educational courses and digital training programs across the country, AccomplishED Ventures has taught hundreds of thousands of incarcerated individuals. It has enabled inmates to look beyond their circumstances, plan a better life once they leave prison, and, most importantly, identify a purpose. Believing that people have a definite reason for living, it puts a premium on pinpointing and exploring one's "why" to remain grounded as they follow a track toward a happier and more fulfilling destination.

Most fulfilled when speaking to hundreds of inmates, Travis Richey cherishes every chance of helping people envision a different picture of who they are and develop a plan for where they want to go. He also considers it a privilege to be at the helm of various courses intended to equip inmates with the skills and knowledge they need. And out of all the courses this change-maker spearheads, the most requested inside prisons is Entrepreneurship 101, where Travis teaches a step-by-step course on how to start, scale, and successfully exit a business. To date, he has had a hand in over 200 inmates starting their own ventures and has invested in over a dozen felon-owned enterprises nationwide, three of which are six-figure annual earners.

At the core of AccomplishED Ventures and the services that Travis Richey delivers is the hope of seeing incarcerated or currently serving inmates possessing a template of success, regardless of what success looks like for them. As a firm believer in the power of purpose, he wants these inmates to move forward armed by their passion and dedication to their respective personal mission.

Know more about Travis Richey by visiting his website.

Company: AccomplishED Ventures
Phone number: 310-882-3849

SOURCE: AccomplishED Ventures

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