Tom Isted Releases Dazzling New Edit in New Zealand

Tom Isted is a British freerider who has had a meteoric rise in the last couple of years. After traveling to Darkfest with a frame he bought for £350 on eBay in 2023, Isted set the world record for the longest backflip.

Since then, he has become a household name in freeride. On April 26th, Isted released a wild edit from a recent trip to New Zealand. Watch Panning for Gold below.

In this video, Isted goes big. Most of the edit was filmed in the old mining town of Otago, but there were also shots on the Dreamline in Queenstown.

Panning for Gold was released by Giant Bicycles, who picked up Isted as a sponsored rider after his enormous backflip in 2023.

Since then, Tom has represented the brand at countless freeride events and on slopestyle's biggest stage at Crankworx.

Tom Isted made a statement in this edit. He has long been known as a rider who can excel doing tricks on manicured jump lines like those found in slopestyle competitions or at Darkfest, but in Panning for Gold Isted proved his mettle and versatility by sending tricks on technical jumps and drops with rough landings.

The riding in this video begs the question: is Tom Isted gunning for a spot at Red BullRampage? In the edit, Isted showed off his skills on the technical drops and steep chutes that Virgin Utah is famous for.

Tom even rebuilt several features himself, which is an important part of the Rampage competition.

The final shot featured Tom hucking himself off an enormous drop with a less-than-perfect landing. If that feature is not Rampage-worthy, I don't know what is.

If Tom Isted were able to land a spot at Rampage, he would have the opportunity to prove that he can do just about anything on a bike. We at BIKE believe he would be a stellar addition to the Rampage lineup.

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