Tired of Trickle-Down Justice, Kimberlé Crenshaw | MAKERS Moment

Tired of Trickle-Down Justice, Kimberlé Crenshaw | MAKERS Moment

Video Transcript

KIMBERLE CRENSHAW: I see this as a moment in which elected women of color are talking back to power. They're talking back to those who said, this is just the nature of life. You have to accept it. Or those who said, what you're experiencing is basically irrelevant, or what you're experiencing has to be silenced because there's more important things over here.

I think a lot of women of color now are tired of trickle down racial justice. Are tired of trickle down gender justice. They're tired of trickle down queer justice. They're saying that there is room and there's time to build a justice strategy out of the way we're experiencing this stuff. We don't have to be an afterthought to any of these other frames. We can frame social justice around where we sit, right here, right now.