TikToker's Update on Befriending Backyard Stray Cat Is Melting Hearts

Last summer TikTok user @_kyleparnell moved into his new home and with it came a stray cat that lived in the backyard. As the months went on and the cold weather rolled in, this TikToker wanted to make sure his backyard cat was safe and warm. That's when their beautiful bond began.

So how is that progress going now? Well, in his update video, it is clear he's made big strides with the stray he named Keepsake and we can't wait to see where the next few months take their relationship.

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O.M.G. This is HUGE! We're so proud of this cat for learning to trust this TikToker. Their relationship truly has come so far and it's only going to keep getting stronger! It's clear that we aren't the only ones invested in this story because the clip has already reached over 1.4 million views within the first few days of being posted.

"Another five months he'll be plump, chilling in a sunspot in the house," said @lordrichter22. Yes, yes, yes, yes! At this rate, that might happen in less than five months! @snackbat added, "Oh my god! Keepsake! No more battle wounds and icy winters for you bud!" It's going to be a much better winter for this cat!

Another TikToker, @depressionroom23, commented, "Go Keepsake! Finally ready for all the love he deserves." He's been through so much as a stray cat, but soon enough he'll be living the good life. "The first step into the house sent me into a happy cry," wrote @haileeglaze. SAME! And something tells us each update after this will continue to make us cry tears of joy.

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