The Women Management Models’ NYFW #YBSquad Diary

On Day 5 of New York Fashion Week, we handed the social media reigns over to five awesome models on the Women Management roster: Hereith Paul, Eilika Meckbach, Alana Zimmer, Mina Cvetkovic, and Steph Smith (and more). Throughout the day, this #ybsquad gave us a look at model life during one seriously busy week, from backstage to late night face masks, check out how they spent the day.

Three things that are always in my bag are during fashion week are…
My charger, my concealer and a huge bottle of water. - Hereith Paul

Apart the obvious like my book, showcards and heels I always carry a bottle of chlorophyll water, a nut or protein bar and my charger battery pack. - Eilika Meckbach

I always have my book, heels and a water. - Steph Smith

YSL Touche Éclat, moisturizer and phone charger. - Mina Cvetkovic

My go-to outfit is…

Black skinny jeans and a white tee or tank top. - HP

If I’m unsure of what is suitable for all appointments of my day, the go to outfit is ‘the model uniform’: all black, skinny jeans with a black tank top. And then make it personal with a jacket/ jumper that can be taken off. - EM

My fashion week guilty pleasure is…
Gallons of diet coke! - MC

In the morning I eat…
Dates, pecans and apple slices. - HP

Oatmeal with fresh blueberries. I love a cup of mint tea with fresh cinnamon. - IS

The night before fashion week I…

Try to get as much sleep as possible. - EM

My fashion week beauty staple is…
Lip stain in assorted colors. I like the more natural tones from NARS! - HP

I always remove my make-up and moisturize, I also use hydrating face masks and peelings. - EM

Moisturizer and lots of it, makeup makes my skin very dry, so I am always using moisturizer multiple times a day! - SS

If I have a minute to work out I…

I do jumping jacks. 20 or 30 usually works out my whole body. - HP

My coffee shop order is…
Green tea with a hint of lemon. - HP

The song I’m playing on repeat is…
What Do U Mean by Justin Bieber - HP

Grass Is Always Greener by Ludacris - EM

Vultures by John Mayer, it’s pretty groovy. - SS

You’ll catch me reading…

These days I am reading a lot of poetry, right now Rumi. - MC

My #1 social media rule is…
You can never post too many selfies.- HP

Keep it interesting, get creative. - MC

Be yourself. - SS

My favorite part about fashion week is…
All the beautiful clothes I get to wear. - HP

For me, it’s like going back to school. Excited to see everyone. - MC