Texas Student Gets Full Ride to Top 20 Colleges

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From Cosmopolitan


Michael Brown wanted to get into Stanford University since he was in the sixth grade, so when he was admitted this past winter, his hard work and dedication finally paid off. He never anticipated that he'd also get into every one of the other 19 schools he applied to, the top schools in the country.

"It's something I'm proud of because I see my hard work paying off, determination paying off, sacrifices paying off," Brown, 17 and from Houston, told CNN.

Not only does he have his choice of colleges, but the confidence to know he'll be able to go for free, as he's been offered full ride scholarships to every single one - including the eight Ivy League universities. He opened his first acceptance letter, the one from Stanford, back in December at a friend's house. Here was his reaction:


“That’s all he ever wanted,” his mother Berthinia Rutledge-Brown told People. “But after that, other acceptances he didn’t expect started to trickle in.”

Last Wednesday was Ivy Day, the day when all the Ivy League schools release their admissions decisions. Brown was shocked to find out he'd been admitted to every one.

“He was amazed,” Rutledge-Brown told People. “He sat on the couch and checked Harvard last because he really didn’t think he’d get in.”

Rutledge-Brown had three miscarriages before she had her son, so she said she poured everything she could into making sure he had the best life possible. She works two jobs.

“I wanted him so badly and made sure I could give him a good upbringing,” she said. “I was so excited about being a mom.”

She's "very proud" and says the whole process has been a humbling experience. They're both still in shock about all the acceptance letters.

In high school, Brown participated in debate team, mock trial and student government, while also volunteering for political campaigns. He only received one B during his entire academic career. Brown attributes part of his success to programs like QuestBridge, Emerge Fellowship and Breakthrough Collaborative, which match students from lower-income communities to higher education opportunities.

Because of these programs, he knows he'll have at least one friend at all the Ivy League schools if he decides to go.

"For me, it's important to highlight that I'm not the only student of color who is achieving," he told CNN. "I want people to be informed and get access to these same programs."

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