Travel Guide:pennsylvania

  • NewsYahoo Travel

    8 Reasons to Tour Al Capone's Former Prison

    Camera in hand, I recently explored Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary (ESP), an icon of the world’s early penal system and now a functional ruin that is both strangely beautiful and utterly fascinating. Defined by Wikipedia as “the capture of urban decay and decline in the post-industrial zones of the world,” ruin porn is a favorite among photography lovers, and Eastern State could be its poster child.

  • NewsYahoo Travel

    The Aliens Are Coming! 7 Places to Spot a UFO

    Kim Carlsberg is a UFO researcher who facilitates nightly sky tours in the area. Dundee experiences so many UFO sightings that locals host an event every July called “UFO Daze,” to talk about their sightings. Forget Route 66, Highway 375 is the place to get your kicks! Nicknamed “Extraterrestrial Highway,” this stretch of road in Rachel—located just 25 miles south of Nevada’s infamous “Area 51”—is a hot bed for alien activity.

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