
  • HealthYahoo Life

    What you need to know about hormones, the secret messengers regulating your mood

    As the body's chemical messengers, hormones affect everything from sexual function to metabolism. Here's how.

  • HealthYahoo Life Videos

    Here's what you need to know about hormones

    If you've noticed an influx of hormone-related stories in recent years, there's likely a good reason why. As the body's chemical messengers, hormones affect everything from sexual function to metabolism — making the growing fascination not only warranted, but also beneficial. Still, as the number of books about their origins and studies on their effects continue to increase, the question remains: What exactly are hormones, and why are they so important to the body? The Hormone Health Network — a

  • NewsYahoo Life

    Putin Says He Doesn't Have 'Bad Days' Because He's Not a Woman

    In The Putin Interviews, Oliver Stone’s four-part series airing on Showtime this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin will likely make a lot of bold statements that we can’t exactly verify. For example, President Donald Trump used an allusion to menstrual cycles in order to deride Megyn Kelly after she moderated a Republican presidential debate last year. The problem is, there is no science that says women have bad days and men do not or that menstrual cycles in anyway make a woman unfit to

  • NewsThe Cut on Yahoo

    Does the Forest of Hair On My Jawline Mean I Have a Hormone Problem?

    If you’ve lost your chill and subsequently fell down a K-hole of testosterone articles, climb back out and take solace in the fact that changes in hair are expected to some extent. “People need to think about what is actually appropriate for age and ethnicity,” says Rekha Kumar, M.D., an endocrinologist at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York–Presbyterian Hospital. There are times in our lives when it’s normal to see more hair growth, namely after puberty and post-menopause, and if everyone in

  • NewsYahoo Health

    The Science of a Sexy Face: Why Chris Hemsworth Is People's 'Sexiest Man Alive'

    Given the fact that he is a Norse god, it’s no surprise that Australian actor Chris Hemsworth, best known for his role as Thor, has been named People magazine’s 2014 “Sexiest Man Alive” (sorry, Adam Levine—it was a good run). The facial features of Hemsworth and other celebs like him—think Daniel Craig and David Beckham—possess the smoldering masculine attributes that humans have evolved to find attractive and sexy.

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