Tanning Bed

  • NewsYahoo Life

    Woman's tanning bed habit led to a hole in her face: 'It's not worth dying'

    A Chicago woman is speaking out about the danger of tanning beds after skin cancer left her with a hole in her face.

  • HealthNewBeauty

    I Lost My Eye—a Tanning Bed Addiction Might Be to Blame

    I’m that girl from the '80s chasing the ultimate tan. I wasn’t just a tanner—I was a professional. The girl who would slather on baby oil tinted with iodine—or Crisco oil when I was desperate—then add in some niacin to flush my skin and a foil blanket to get that best reflection. And when the sun was away, I was the girl behind the counter at the tanning salon on the corner. I was so tan that people looked at ...

  • NewsYahoo Life

    Woman shares skin cancer selfie to show young girls the dangers of tanning beds

    Mallory Lubbock, 26, from Iowa took to Facebook to share a series of images she took of her face that show her recent experience dealing with a cancer scare.

  • NewsYahoo Life

    1 in 5 Indoor Tanning Salons Allow Minors, Despite Bans

    To test these establishments' practices, researchers posed as teenagers and phoned tanning salons in the states that have banned indoor tanning to minors.

  • NewsYahoo Life

    Scientists Created a Treatment That Can Make Skin Tan Without the Sun

    David E. Fisher, MD, PhD, and his team at Massachusetts General Hospital set out to tan skin while combating the risk of cancers and aging that can result from sun exposure — and it looks as if they’re well on their way. As a follow-up to a study released in 2006, Fisher and his team just came out with findings of an ingredient that may be applied topically to darken the appearance of human skin in a way that mimics the natural tanning process. Yahoo Beauty spoke with Dr. Fisher about the reas

  • NewsYahoo Life

    People Who Regularly Tan Are Likely to Have Other Addictions

    A study showed that such people were six times as likely to also be dependent on alcohol and three times as likely to suffer from seasonal affective disorder.

  • NewsYahoo Life

    Sun Worshipper Reveals Red, Blistered Face After Skin Cancer Treatment

    Tanning in the sun and in tanning beds raises the risk of skin cancer. You’ve heard for years that you should wear sunscreen regularly and avoid tanning as much as possible to lower your risk of developing skin cancer. Margaret Murphy is posting on her Facebook page a series of selfies of her red, blistering face, which, she says, show the results of skin cancer treatment.