Simon Doonan

  • EntertainmentYahoo Life

    Style mavens Jonathan Adler and Simon Doonan are why you should never turn down a blind date

    Find out how this "hippy-dippy potter" and "fashion executive" fell in love in an unconventional way.

  • NewsQ on Yahoo

    My Dinner Party: Jonathan Adler

    Related: Recipe: Nopi’s Butternut Squash If you’re familiar with the colorful work of potter, designer and author Jonathan Adler, then you can probably imagine the type of dinner party he’d throw. On The Menu “My hubby, Simon Doonan, and I are big fans of serving ‘Thanksgiving dinner’ at every dinner party.

  • NewsSarah Cristobal

    Forget Kill Bill, Uma Thurman Channels Her Inner Carrie Bradshaw at a Lunch Honoring Manolo Blahnik

    On Wednesday afternoon, FIT’s Couture Council gathered for its annual luncheon, and for the first time in 10 years, the guest of honor and recipient of the Artistry in Fashion Award was a shoe designer. “Manolo is the first shoe designer to become a superstar,” noted FIT’s president Valerie Steele, while presenter Uma Thurman confided to the crowd that Blahnik was, “the only man who has been with me every step of the way.

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