
  • HealthYahoo Life

    What's the difference between being an introvert and being shy? Experts explain

    Being an introvert isn’t the same thing as being shy. Here’s how to tell the difference, according to experts.

    6 min read
  • NewsScience of Us on Yahoo

    Hillary Clinton Is an ‘Intro-Extrovert,’ and Maybe You Are, Too

    (Photo-Illustration: Photio: Scott Olson/Getty Images) It is 2015, which apparently means that everyone — presidential candidates included — will at some point be subjected to this one particular question: Are you an introvert or an extrovert? This was part of a “lightning round” in the Democratic candidates forum, hosted by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. Hillary Clinton answered by calling herself an “intro-extrovert”: Sometimes she likes being around people, and sometimes she prefers to be alone. Rela

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