Fashion Fail

  • NewsYahoo Life

    South Korean celebrity called a 'fashion terrorist' — but what exactly is that?

    Urban dictionary defines “fashion terrorist,” as “someone whose mismatching of clothing does not do them any justice; someone who cannot follow the basic, general rules of fashion.”

  • NewsYahoo Life

    Mom Shares Daughter's Prom Dress Fail On Facebook: 'Are You Serious?'

    Dee Lewis says her daughter was devastated when she tried on her custom-made prom dress. On Monday, Dee Lewis, an aesthetician from Rochester, N.Y., posted three photos of her daughter Malexa Maeweather wearing her prom dress. According to Lewis, after a dress Malexa loved on Instagram wasn’t available, she turned to local designer Kia Wagner — who did not return Yahoo Style’s request for comment —  to create a $300 dress for her June 2nd prom.

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