
  • NewsYahoo Style

    Kate Middleton's Impeccable Travel Style

    Traveling in style takes some serious commitment. Unsurprisingly, style icon Kate Middleton pulls it off almost effortlessly. Prepared for everything from rigorous hikes in the mountains to elegant black-tie engagements, she is always consistent when it comes to looking her best. We might assume that her royal wardrobe is filled with only the most exceptional of pieces, but it is actually well-balanced with designer pieces and affordable finds. What could make this insanely well-dressed duchess

  • NewsYahoo Beauty Staff

    Kate Middleton’s Makeup Artist Launches Skincare Line at Anthropologie

    Duchess Kate fans are an obsessive bunch: they want to know what clothes she wears (Jenny Packham and LK Bennett), who cuts her hair (Richard Ward), and where she vacations (Mustique). To that list, they can now add the ultimate in Kate Goals: how to get her skin’s rosy glow. Kate’s former makeup artist, Arabella Preston—who taught the Duchess to do her own makeup for the royal wedding—has just debuted a skincare line, Votary, at Anthropologie.

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