Down Coats

  • NewsYahoo Life

    19 Cozy Puffer Coats You'll Actually Want to Wear

    To some, blistering winds and freezing temps mean hitting the couch for a Netflix-a-thon, but for others it's a call to action. Regardless of what group you fall into, you're going to need a toasty coat to get by this winter. And thanks to the ongoing ’90s revival, plus their adoption by It-girls like Gigi Hadid, this winter’s warmest coat is also its coolest – yep, the puffer coat is back! The first thing to decide is whether you want to go with a synthetic or down filler.

  • NewsChristopher Kim

    11 Down Coats For Under $100 to Fend Off Winter Storm Jonas

    East coasters are bracing themselves for Winter Storm Jonas, which is slated to hit this weekend and we imagine will wreak more havoc than that time Nick Jonas tried to channel Marky Mark in his underwear. If you live in New York, Washington DC, Baltimore or any of the surrounding areas, it’s a good time to reconsider your insulating attire. Don’t have that down coat? Don’t fret.

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