Anna Duggar

  • EntertainmentYahoo Life

    Jessa Duggar confronts fans who called niece's feet 'dirty'

    A few days ago, Jessa posted a snap of her 1-year-old son, Henr,y playing with his 3-year-old cousin, Meredith, a daughter of Josh and Anna Duggar. The little girl was bent over protecting a toy her cousin attempted to steal, revealing the soles of her feet.

  • NewsYahoo Life

    Why Is Jinger Duggar Getting Backlash for Wearing Pants?

    The Duggar family, of 19 Kids and Counting fame, is known for its conservative lifestyle. Twenty-three-year-old Jinger Duggar, the sixth-eldest child, was recently photographed in Waco, Texas, with sisters Jessa Seewald, 24, and Jana Duggar, 27. While the latter two were dressed in modest skirts, Jinger stood out in a pair of army-green pants and a red jacket.

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