Brandy’s daughter Sy'Rai Smith, 19, thought famous mom was 'embarrassed of me' prior to weight loss

Brandy's daughter, Sy'Rai Smith, is opening up about her recent weight loss and her struggles with body image.

During a recent episode of The Real, the 19-year-old admitted that she compared her body to her famous mother's prior to her weight loss, which led to many heartbreaking assumptions.

"Sometimes it was a little bit difficult, you know, seeing my mom dress a certain way or wear a certain thing. Or when she was on [the red] carpet, or I’d see her on set, or anything like that, it was kind of difficult ‘cause it was like, you know, ‘Why am I not that way? Why am I not that size? Why was I made the way I was made?’" Smith recalled. "And sometimes I would feel a little sad, or I would feel like she was embarrassed of me. These were all insecurities in my head and, you know, she was never like that, she was always supportive. She always knew that I was beautiful. She supported whether I wanted to lose a lot of weight or not."

Smith revealed that she made lifestyle changes after facing several health challenges, but it was not easy. Her motivation to live and the guidance of her family helped her get through it.

"I changed my mindset, changed my mentality and I knew that being in the body that I was in, I knew my life wasn’t going to be as long. I knew I had so many issues with my health and I just knew that living my purpose, I wouldn’t be able to live in that body … so I just really took time and thought to myself I really want to be there for my little sisters, my little brothers, I wanna be there for my mom, my dad [her father is Brandy's ex-husband, music producer Robert "Big Bert" Smith], and I was like I need to change like now," she continued.

In the age of social media, Smith admitted that she too has struggled with trying to attain that "Instagram body" that led to her becoming obsessed with the number on the scale and feelings of insecurity. She also noted that the being in the spotlight also heightened those feelings

"When I look at other women and I know my body’s been through a lot," Smith said. "And I always have to remind myself of that, you know, all the scars that I have, the stretch marks that I have, everything that my body’s been through, it’s for a purpose, it’s for a reason. … I do feel the pressure. People have their eyes on me at all times, people have their eyes on mom all the time, so I did feel pressured to kind of quickly do it."