Stylish Book Storage Hacks That Save Space, And Look Good While Doing It

Perhaps you have a tiny home and no designated place for books, or maybe you’re just looking to make more space and go minimalist. If you just can’t bring yourself to invest in a kindle and you enjoy the charm of paper books being present in your home, there’s a common issue that all bibliophiles share: figuring out a way to store copious amounts of books in your home. Oh, and make them look nice too.

To maximize your home’s space and minimize your literature’s footprint, make sure to use all the ledges in your house, which can double as shelves. The space beneath your staircase is also an untapped DIY resource for creating a full-on library without sacrificing any square footage.

Or, you can forget shelves altogether and stack books in an artsy and eye-catching way, even color-coding for an attractive aesthetic. You can even repurpose your hall closets and add built-in shelves, creating a mini library rather than a place to hoard seasonal junk. But if you’re looking for a little extra assistance and structure for those accumulating piles, we’ve got your back.

Some bookcases are clunky, and many wall shelves don’t hold your desired volume, acting as a piece of useless wall decor instead. Make the most of your home’s space with our vetted hacks and product suggestions. While not all of these items were made specifically for books, we discovered that they’re a favorite for many DIY masters when it comes to creative book storage ideas.

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