How to Store Blueberries So They Stay Juicy and Delicious

Tart, juicy, and gem-like, blueberries are an absolute delight. Whether you eat them on their own or fold them into pancake batter or cook them down into jam, blueberries taste like pure summer. Unfortunately, blueberries don't last very long once they've been picked, so it's best to eat them quickly before they turn into mush. To buy yourself some time, here are our best tips for storing blueberries to keep them fresh for as long as possible.

How to Store Blueberries

First things first, buy the nicest-looking blueberries you can find. Avoid berries that look fuzzy, soft, or wrinkly—signs that they're either rotten or almost rotten. When you get home, go through the berries and remove any bad ones that may have been hiding. Mold travels fast, so it's best to get ahead of the problem. To avoid mold development, avoid rinsing the berries until right before you're ready to eat them. When it comes to preserving fresh blueberries, moisture is the enemy!

Choose a container with good airflow (like the pint the berries came in!), and line it with a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. Add the berries, then place on a shelf in the refrigerator. A shelf is better than the crisper drawer because there's better air circulation. Stored in this way, you can expect blueberries to last about a week.

Can You Freeze Blueberries?

Yes! If you have fresh blueberries around and won't have time to eat them, go ahead and freeze them for your future self. Once frozen, they'll stay good for a few months at least. The texture will change, but they'll be perfect for whizzing into smoothies or adding to baked goods.

You don't need to thaw frozen blueberries for most applications (they'll thaw in the process!), but if a recipe calls for fresh blueberries, you might want to mimic freshness by thawing some frozen berries. Just place them in a colander and run some cool water over them, and they'll have thawed before you know it.

How to freeze blueberries:

    1. Spread them out in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet.

    2. Freeze for a couple hours until berries are firm.

    3. Transfer berries to a plastic bag or airtight freezer-safe container. (Label the bag/container with the date so you don't forget.)

    4. Freeze!