
Space Jam’s Highly Overrated and Disrespectful Dunks | Dunk Bait

Space Jam is overrated, most disrespectful dunks of all time and weirdest 50- point games.

Video Transcript

LAJETHRO JENKINS: All right, guys. Welcome to "Dunk Bait," where we talk basketball and some things not basketball. We're doing it from the comfort of our homes, because we are being responsible to humanity. You [? hear ?] me?

We're going to talk most obscure players to hit 50 points, "Space Jam" review-- worst movie of all time. Anyway, most disrespectful dunks--

ZACH SCHWARTZ: Uh-oh. People are going to get so mad.

LAJETHRO JENKINS: --high school Euro step. These kids are crazy now. Y'all are crazy.

So there have been some odd people to get 50 points in a game. For me, the weirdest has definitely been Corey Brewer. And if you watch the tape, he probably took the most shots possible in the history of 50-point games to get 50 points. You know what I'm saying? Like, it was crazy. What about y'all?

JOSIAH JOHNSON: I'mma go with Willie Burton, who is very obscure name. So obscure, in fact, that if you look at the photo we got up, they had to use his basketball card, 'cause there are no action shots of the dude on the internet. Went to the University of Minnesota. In '94 with the Sixers, he dropped 53 on the Heat's head.

Hey, you know, a lot people never heard of this dude. So I'm rolling with Willie Burton dropping a 53 piece. He only played in the league like seven, eight years, averaged like 10 points for his career. So it was very unexpected 50 piece.

LAJETHRO JENKINS: I actually thought you were talking about Will Barton. I was like, there's no Will Burton. I didn't-- I was like, he has to be wrong.

ZACH SCHWARTZ: If Will Barton did that? [BLEEP]

All right. My obscure 50 piece is Rip Hamilton. He had a 50-point game. We don't talk about that. No one remembers that. He had one in his [? whole ass ?] career. But we don't talk enough or appreciate Rip Hamilton enough, so that's mine.

LAJETHRO JENKINS: Rip Hamilton was a dog, especially at UConn.


LAJETHRO JENKINS: Remember, he beat a Duke team. Had me crying at home in '99, because he beat, like, a Duke team that had-- five out of their top six players went to the league, you know what I'm saying?

We watched "Space Jam" and live-tweeted it. How did y'all feel about it as an adult watching "Space Jam"?

ZACH SCHWARTZ: Someone I know had never seen it, and they were texting with me like very excited to watch it. And they texted me, starting it up, you know, like watching and trying to tweet along. 15 minutes into the movie, I get a text that's saying, holy [BLEEP], that movie is [BLEEP] trash. I turned it off. This is like a good friend of mine.

So I don't know. Nostalgia for me helps push it a little bit, but I've always said this is not a good movie.

LAJETHRO JENKINS: As a kid, I knew it was trash. I was a child, and I was like, this is garbage. I'd rather be outside playing than watch [BLEEP] MJ get fed lines every [BLEEP] two seconds.


LAJETHRO JENKINS: The best thing about it was the Space Jam. The best thing about "Space Jam" was the actual shoes.

JOSIAH JOHNSON: I cannot believe I'm hearing y'all doubt the validity of one of the greatest sports movies of all time. But look at the way the story came together. The script was cleverly crafted.

LAJETHRO JENKINS: Cleverly crafted?

JOSIAH JOHNSON: Mike's away playing-- Mike's away--


JOSIAH JOHNSON: --playing baseball, so the Monstars [INAUDIBLE] the remaining [? mid ?] hoopers. I think, all things considered, Michael Jordan had a much better acting performance than Ray Allen. We know MJ be at the crib drinking tequila, getting lit, not trying to talk to anybody, real introvert. [INAUDIBLE]

LAJETHRO JENKINS: Better than Ray Allen? Better than Ray Allen?


LAJETHRO JENKINS: Not even close, bro.

JOSIAH JOHNSON: "He Got" is a better movie.

LAJETHRO JENKINS: I mean, it's a better movie. I mean, dude, they both were trash. But there's different levels of trash. At least we know Ray Allen could memorize his-- his lines. [BLEEP] MJ, you could tell he was like getting fed sentence by sentence. [BLEEP] The real star of this [BLEEP] was Lola Bunny, though.


JOSIAH JOHNSON: Hey. Hey, bro.

LAJETHRO JENKINS: Lola-- hey, Lola-- bro-- hey, it's hard out here, bro, you feel me?



LAJETHRO JENKINS: Is Lola-- is Lola the baddest-- Lola the baddest cartoon character, or does Jessica Rabbit have it?

JOSIAH JOHNSON: Jessica Rabbit.

ZACH SCHWARTZ: Jessica Rabbit.



JOSIAH JOHNSON: OK. I just wanted to make sure--

ZACH SCHWARTZ: Jessica Rabbit.

JOSIAH JOHNSON: I wanted to make sure we was all in the same place.


JOSIAH JOHNSON: I wanted to make sure we was all in the same place.

LAJETHRO JENKINS: Lola Bunny, though, she's athletic. She's an athletic baddie, you know what I'm saying?


LAJETHRO JENKINS: I respect and love that. You feel me?

ZACH SCHWARTZ: I just wanted to say something off of "Space Jam" real quick. There's a fun fact for you. "Air Bud" has a better Rotten Tomatoes score than "Space Jam," which means a literal dog out-acted Michael Jordan.

So there you go. I think there's no other way that-- nothing else I need to say of that movie.

We've been kind of looking at the stuff that happened in the past. One of the things that's coming up, the anniversary of Shaq dunking on Dudley. And you know, he--

LAJETHRO JENKINS: Deep in the post, on an island. Look at him. Get some!

You know, what he did was he opened his legs, and he hugged him with his legs, then pushed my man. Dudley throws the ball back at him on some play shit, 'cause you know Dudley really did want it.


LAJETHRO JENKINS: He had to pretend like he had some type of cojones, you know what I mean?

JOSIAH JOHNSON: Honestly, his feelings were hurt. He knew his family was watching. He knew the New York media was watching and he was about to get roasted. Thankfully there was no Twitter in these days--


JOSIAH JOHNSON: --or this dude would be a lifelong meme.

LAJETHRO JENKINS: We still talking about it, what, 20 years later? So he--


LAJETHRO JENKINS: --he didn't quite miss the boat on Twitter.

I think-- go ahead.

JOSIAH JOHNSON: I'mma go with Shawn Kemp dunking on Alton Lister. What I loved about Shawn Kemp during his Sonic days, every time he dunked on dudes he'd have a post-dunk reaction. So this particular time he caught Alton Lister slipping, but then proceeded to point in his face with just like the most blatant disrespectful [BLEEP].


JOSIAH JOHNSON: And if you're Alton Lister, you know, what are you supposed to say?

LAJETHRO JENKINS: The Lister blister! I will never forget that call by that commentator. The dude, he dunked him into the abyss. I've never heard anything about him since that moment, though.


LAJETHRO JENKINS: My most disrespectful dunk, in my opinion, is Pippen on Ewing, bro.


LAJETHRO JENKINS: He yams on Ewing, then walks over him and stands over him, like y'all want to see a dead body? You know what I'm saying?


ZACH SCHWARTZ: And then he tells Spike to sit down.

LAJETHRO JENKINS: Right. Sit your ass down. Spike was mad. He jumped on Ewing so bad that a fan felt disrespected.

Kobe on--


LAJETHRO JENKINS: --on Ben Wallace. Ridiculous, man. Volleyball line.



ZACH SCHWARTZ: Oh my god. I love it.



JOSIAH JOHNSON: Look at that. [BLEEP] times 5 because it's preseason. You can't be getting dunked on that as a grown-ass man in [BLEEP], dog. You've got to have some-- have some pride, some respect for your fans. And why the hell are you taking a charge with young Kobe, bro?

ZACH SCHWARTZ: This is like early days of NBA Twitter too, so when DeAndre Jordan caught Brandon Knight, it went everywhere.

JOSIAH JOHNSON: The thing is DeAndre Jordan, he's 7 feet tall, so you generally don't have to give it up for footers when they dug like that. But the dunk was so [BLEEP] disrespectful and humiliating, and he was playing with the Clippers at that point. [INAUDIBLE] historically, like that's just like a ultimate ill.

LAJETHRO JENKINS: He got in front of a Mack truck. That's not a good decision, bro.

JOSIAH JOHNSON: In Brandon Knight's defense, though, after he got yammed on, he did go on Twitter. He was funny about it. So he at least took it like a G.

LAJETHRO JENKINS: If you play long enough, you gonna get boned on. I know-- I know I got to boned on a couple times. It just happened. There's no tape of it, though.



LAJETHRO JENKINS: All right. So these high schoolers are weird, all right. I've never seen this particular Euro step, but this guy Euro stepped with one hand. The defender evaporated, bro. He cuffed that joint like Dee Brown and then body rolled it. Didn't even touch it with the opposite hand.

I mean, bro, if I was the dude, I would have-- the defender that ran by him and got shook, I'm gonna clean out the gym, bro. We going right to the locker room.

I see almost as many impressive highlights from high schools as I see in the NBA. I feel like I see more impressive highlights from high school than I see in college players.

This is the "Dunk Bait" on, I guess, what, at least a month-long vacation edition.


LAJETHRO JENKINS: I am LaJethro Jenkins.

JOSIAH JOHNSON: KingJosiah54 reminding you to wash your hands and your booty.

ZACH SCHWARTZ: I'm ZachZachZach. Stay safe.

LAJETHRO JENKINS: Hey, bro. What y'all doing on-- what y'all been doing?

ZACH SCHWARTZ: "Call of Duty."


--jump in my driveway, saw a light glisten, and for a second I was like, sniper!


It was like you're gonna have PTSD after this, bro.