Smugglers' Notch Wraps Up 21 Inch Snow Storm With Bluebird Conditions

Smugglers' Notch Resort, Vermont, was the place to be today, capping off a 21-inch storm cycle with bluebird powder turns.

Yesterday, the resort closed its upper mountain terrain due to high winds, but today, Smugglers' Notch got the upper mountain as the weather mellowed out.

Conditions the past few days at Smugglers' Notch have been killer, as evidenced by this video shared on Sunday. One can assume those first laps on the upper mountain today were killer.

With 189 inches of snowfall this season, the resort is still about 100 inches from the average mark of 276 inches.

At this point, hitting that bar seems unlikely—the resort typically closes on the second weekend of April, so unless things really turn on, it'll likely be a below-average winter.

The weather this week doesn't look particularly promising, either. NOAA calls for mixed and snow at Smugglers' Notch through the weekend. Fingers crossed March delivers another round of the goods once the funky weather blows through.

Related: Alyeska Passed 600 Inches Of Snowfall This Season

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