Shia LaBeouf Wore a Cropped Sweatshirt and Now I Guess I Need a Pair of Scissors

From Esquire

Shia LaBeouf has places to be and people to see. He is far too busy for messing around or mucking about, which is why, I presume, he is making the "Do you have any idea what time it is?" motion, despite the fact that he is clearly not wearing a watch. Dude's got stuff to do! He can't be held back by dawdlers or bogged down by excess fabric.

At least, that's how I've chosen to interpret both the above photo and the outfit featured therein. Because, as you'll notice, LaBeouf is wearing a cropped sweatshirt. Hems? Where he's going, he doesn't need hems. There's no time to futz with adjusting the swath of cotton jersey accumulated around his waist. Not today. So out come the scissors, off goes the hem, and out into the world goes Shia.

Photo credit: RB/Bauer-Griffin - Getty Images
Photo credit: RB/Bauer-Griffin - Getty Images

Is any of this an accurate reflection of LaBeouf's mental state and the wardrobe choices that might result from it? Maybe. Maybe not. But I can say (fun story time!) that I happened to walk by the man himself on the street in New York just last week. He was wearing similarly cropped jeans—possibly the exact same jeans, now that I think about it—but a nylon pullover instead of a cropped sweatshirt.

That's not the outfit of record, though. And it's not the point, either. The point is that he seemed very focused. Dead set on getting somewhere, and in a hurry. The guy power walks. Remember: He's got places to be. He doesn't have time for your sweatshirt rules. And now, I find myself wondering: Do I? Should I free myself from my hems and live life unencumbered, like LaBeouf? Seems worthy of consideration, at the very least. Now, where are the scissors?

Feeling inspired? Buy this sweatshirt and shear it yourself. Instant Shia vibes.

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