Your Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for August

From Cosmopolitan

Add these dates to your GCal:

  • August 3: Full Moon in Aquarius

  • August 18: New Moon in Leo

  • August 22: Virgo Season begins

You’re ready to have…what’s the word again? Fun? Oh man, you haven’t heard that name in years. Thankfully, Leo energy is lighting up the sky and you’re feeling playful, adventurous, and mischievous. And that’s just the way you like it! August is off with a bang, as a Full Moon in Aquarius lights up on the sky on August 3, electrifying the cosmos through a dynamic opposition. Yes, you love to have a good time—but that’s just one chapter in a much greater narrative. You’re also a philosopher! A sociologist! An activist! A scientist! But, perhaps most importantly, you’re a storyteller—and a good one, too. During this lunation, consider what tale you want to tell. Whether you’re writing a memoir, jotting down a few interesting lyrics, or simply chatting with an old friend on a long phone call, it’s time to start using your words. Experiences are meant to be shared!

The plot thickens on August 18, when the Moon and Sun connect yet again—this time, forming a New Moon in Leo. The sky is completely dark during this lunation, so this is an excellent opportunity to do as our ancient ancestors did thousands of years ago: Stargaze! Even if you’re in a crowded city with low celestial visibility, find a moment to catch a glimpse of this velvety sky. You may not be able to go far right now (which is driving virtually every Sagittarius absolutely bonkers), but when you look up at the expanse of the Universe, you realize that we’re not just tethered to this singular moment: We’re part of much greater cycles. You may not be thrilled with your current situation, but when you lean into the cosmos’ gentle backdrop like a warm embrace, you trust that you’re exactly where you need to be. Even if your curiosities can’t stamp your passport, at least they can ignite your imagination!

Finally, the month concludes with the beginning of a new astrological season: The Sun moves into Virgo on August 22, illuminating the domain of this pragmatic, logic-driven earth sign. This is a big deal for you, Sagittarius darling, because Virgo energy sparks the area of your chart connected to career goals and long-term legacy. In short, this month is going to be huge for your professional aspirations—your success is going to receive a ton of visibility. Uh oh, do you have lipstick on your teeth in that Zoom call? You’ve been holed up a bit longer than usual, so you may need to take a quick sec to make sure you’re prepared for the spotlight. After you pluck a weird hair (or two), you’ll feel excited to discuss a promotion with your supervisor, apply for new roles in a different industry, or even launch your own biz. Is it finally time to start that podcast, Sagittarius? Heck yes it is! Armed with an internet connection and notebook filled with bright ideas, the world is your oyster. Ready, set, go!

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