Run Your Best Races In 2023 With Our Training Plans For Every Distance

This article originally appeared on Trail Runner

Have you ever tried to write a training plan by yourself? It feels impossible. There are so many factors to keep in mind: mileage, vert, pacing, speedwork, strength. How fast should I increase mileage? How long should my long runs be? What speed workouts should I do? How many weeks should I spend training for my goal race?

We’ve got the answers to all these questions and more. With coach-designed training plans for every distance and experience level, you’ll be set up for success no matter what your racing goals are for 2022. Check out our full array of plans below, with some bonus supplements for strength and stability training at the end!

Beginner Training Plans

Trail Runner’s Beginner Boot Camp

If we were playing Monopoly right now, this training plan would be “GO.” It will introduce you to all the basics, from the difference between recovery and “easy” pace (hint: when in doubt, slow down) to strides, tempo runs and trail technique. Every single trail runner you’ve ever met was a beginner once, and they’d probably all go back and use this intro plan if they could!

Training For Your First Trail Race (Half Marathon or Shorter)

If you’ve never run a trail race, first of all, YOU’RE AMAZING! This 12-week plan is designed to eliminate all the guesswork and uncertainty about toeing the line for the first time. You’ll start with 17 miles per week and gradually incorporate speed and hills. Remember, there’s no such thing as too easy on easy days, and with this plan, we hope your first trail race will get you stoked for many more in the future.

12 Weeks to Your First Trail Half Marathon

There are a lot of critical differences between trail and road running, but the biggest might be pacing. Getting used to spending a couple hours on your feet will go a long way to preparing you for 13.1 miles, and this plan will help you build sustainable mileage to get to the starting line fit and healthy.

How to Run Your First 50K

50K is one of those distances that seems impossible until you’ve done it. This plan makes your first ultra approachable, with a starting mileage of 20 miles per week and a peak of 45.

trail running training plans
(Photo: Getty Images)

Intermediate Training Plans

Intermediate 10-Week Base Training Plan

Base training should make up around 80% of your mileage through most of the year, but winter is a great time to maximize aerobic adaptation in preparation for more focused race training in later months. This gradually-increasing 10-week plan will help you build a strong training foundation, maximize fitness and prepare you for an injury-free year.

12-Week Speed Building Plan

This plan is perfect if you don’t have a big race in the near future but also don’t want to just….run. It’s got a little bit of everything: speed, long runs, strides, hills, threshold runs and base training. You’ll build speed and endurance at the same time, and we guarantee you won’t be bored!

Ready for a Breakthrough? Here’s your Plan.

Have you hit some training plateaus? Not seeing much improvement or just feeling “blah” in your training? This plan will shake things up. It takes an extra well-rounded approach, so you can be sure you’re not leaving out any critical ingredients. You’ll build strength and a strong base with some built-in mini strength workouts.

A 6-Week Plan to Build Speed

This plan is the best possible way to build lasting speed quickly. It’s half as long as most training plans, includes a mix of fun workouts and easy runs, and will shake up your normal routine in the best possible way.

Training For Your First 50-Miler

The jump from marathon or 50K to 50 miles can seem insurmountable, but we promise it’s not. If you’ve got a few trail races and a couple ultras under your belt, this plan will help you stretch your mileage to set you up for success to make the jump up in race distance.

trail running training plans
(Photo: Getty Images)

Advanced Training Plans

An Advanced 50k Training Plan

If you’re looking to take your ultra running to the next level, this is your plan! The 12-week plan provides a range of mileage options starting at 31 to 65 weekly miles and reaching 50 to 95 weekly miles, including weekly workouts and guidance, geared toward supporting peak performance and long-term growth.

An 8-Week Road Marathon Plan For Trail Runners

If the road to trail transition is a shock to the system, the trail to road transition might be even tougher. This short-range plan is designed for athletes with a strong base to prepare them for the unique physical demands of road racing and sharpen speed for a road marathon.

How To Run Your First Ultra Over 50K

There are a million and one ways to train for an ultramarathon, and none of them is foolproof. But this plan is proof that you don’t need to run 100-mile weeks to be ready for a race of 50 miles or more. With weeks ranging from 30-60 miles, it’s an approachable introduction for those longer goal races.

An Advanced 50-Mile Training Plan

This plan is designed for athletes who have run 50 miles before and have a strong mileage base. It’s highly customizable, with weekly mileage ranging from 20 to 100 depending on experience and the race you’re training for. Have some ultra experience but really want to gun for a PR? This is the plan for you.

You…Yes, You!…Can Run 100 Miles

This list just gets wilder as it goes, doesn’t it? But none of us would be here if we hadn’t gotten through some things we thought we might not survive. Running 100 miles falls squarely in that category. 100-milers are much more about combating and getting through muscle fatigue and mental blocks than running fast, and in 12 weeks, you’ll be ready.

A Training Plan To Run 200 Miles

What happens when you do a race that pushes your physiology beyond the horizon, only to realize that you're not even halfway done? The new frontier of 200 mile racing is exciting, but can also be scary and overwhelming. This training plan hopes to make it a bit less scary. You have permission to remain overwhelmed.

12-Week Intermediate/Advanced Base-Building Training Plan

Long-term fitness growth relies on aerobic development, and focused base periods are an opportunity to lay the groundwork for breakthroughs. This 12-week plan builds training volume while developing top-end speed. Breakthroughs await.

Bonus Plans

Now that you’ve got workout ideas and roadmaps, there’s room for all the toppings like chocolate sauce, nuts, cherries and whipped cream!

After your ice cream sundae, come back here for strength, stability and other add-ons that will take your training to the next level.

Strength Training: From general tips to specific exercises, find all-around strength plans here, here and here.

Cross Training: Whether you’re injured, susceptible to injury or just worn down, cross training is a useful tool for any runner. Use this plan to make it dovetail with your running.

Mobility/Stability: We love the 3-Minute Mountain Legs and 8-Minute Speed Legs workouts for quick and easy help on form, functional strength and joint mobility.

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