Ruffa Gutierrez says daughters harassed in Malaysia

The actress stated that a group of creepy older men whistled at and took photos of her teenagers

20 Feb – Actress Ruffa Gutierrez recently expressed anger over daughters Lorin and Venice being sexually harassed during a trip in Malaysia.

As reported on Rappler, the actress, who spoke about the issue in an Instagram Story recently, shared that they were enjoying their time at the Sunway Lagoon Theme Park when her two daughters came crying to her about a group of creepy men taking photos and blowing kisses at them.

Gutierrez stated that although they chose to ignore it at first, the group of men later came back and harassed them again.

"We came to Sunway Lagoon to have fun with the children, and did not realise it's not safe at all. Shocking," she said.

On the other hand, the Sunway Lagoon management had since apologised to the actress.

On Twitter, it stated, "We regret the unfortunate incident and our management is currently with her handling her complaint. We are a family theme park and we ensure that guests' safety & wellbeing is our concern."

Gutierrez also took to social media to express her gratitude towards the management for reaching out to her, and stressed that she will not let that one incident smear the good name of all Malaysians.

(Photo Source: Ruffa Gutierrez Instagram)