Robyn Lawley Reveals Her Most ‘Humiliating’ Beauty Mistake and Go-to ’90s Makeup Trick

Robyn Lawley is one of the best gifts to come from Down Under. At just 27 years old, the Australian model is already a pioneer in the fashion industry.

She posed on the cover of Vogue Italia’s June 2011 issue alongside fellow curvy beauties Tara Lynn and Candice Huffine, was the first plus-size model to appear in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition, and created a line of signature swimwear in sizes 10 to 20.

Thanks to Lawley and fellow body-positive advocates Ashley Graham and Precious Lee, we get to see more diverse representations of women in mainstream media. And we can all agree that that’s a beautiful thing.

Yahoo Beauty pulled out The Hot Seat for Lawley and she really let her hair down. Watch the video above to see the model share her ultimate beauty mistake (ouch!), least favorite body part (by the way, she’s perfect in our eyes), and the one thing she always does before heading to bed (duly noted).


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