Restaurants, are you open or serving takeout for Thanksgiving? Tell us for our annual list

Will turkey dinners be on the menu?
Will turkey dinners be on the menu?

Restaurants, if you’ll be open for Thanksgiving dinner or providing takeout dinners to pick up in advance or on the holiday, let us know for a free listing that will be published soon.

Please include:

  • The name of the restaurant

  • Address

  • Phone number

  • Your holiday special or an example of what you'll be serving and the price

  • How customers should reserve tables or takeout orders.

Send the information to, with "Thanksgiving" in the subject line, by Oct. 24. The list will be published in the Nov. 2 Food section and posted online at

This means Christmas can’t be far behind — feel free to send in plans for service at night on Christmas Eve or anytime Christmas Day as soon as you have them.

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Milwaukee restaurants: Tell us if you will be open for Thanksgiving