Is Reclining Your Seat on a Plane Okay? A Viral Video Has Sparked an Intense Debate

Photo credit: maren
Photo credit: maren

From Oprah Magazine

In today's annals of things ticking Twitter off, a video in which a peeved passenger repeatedly punches the reclined seat in front of him has gone viral. A woman recorded the incident—through some inexplicable sorcery—that she says went down on an American Airlines flight, according to her tweet.

"Wendi," the disgruntled traveler, explained on social media that the fellow behind her, who was not blessed with a reclining seat, was "angry" that she leaned hers back, prompting him to "punch it about 9 times—hard." That's when she got out her smartphone, and what you see in the video below purportedly happened after the initial pounding. Evidently, she was reprimanded for allowing her seat to do what most seats are made to do, while, according to her tweet, the flight attendant gave the gent some conciliatory rum.

We weren't there, and we're not about to take sides. Instead, we'll let the impassioned people of the internet do that for us. After reviewing an influx of responses to Wendi's tweet, it seems most firmly believe that you should never exercise your right to recline. Echoing the sentiments of many, Twitter user Heather Egan declared that it's "literally the most selfish, inconsiderate thing a person can do. It literally ruins the travel experience of the person sitting behind you," adding that both Wendi and the man who treated her seat like a Bozo Bop Bag are in the wrong. "You are just as bad if not worse than him," Egan concluded.

Others were quick to point out that if the guy wanted a bit more leg space, he shouldn't have booked arguably the worst seat on the plane.

"It's an option for a reason. You're fully within your right. If he needs more room, he should have gotten a seat that accommodated that. Why should you be inconvenienced? You paid for your seat," tweeted a Wendi apologist.

However, we don't know what circumstances led him there. Perhaps he wasn't passive aggressively trying to will her seat into submission, and instead he was just jamming out to some sweet beats and found himself drumming, unaware.

According to a 2019 Time article, legroom has been shrinking. It's not your imagination. Though airlines argue that the lack of space for your gams means more affordable flight options. And once one person reclines, it creates a feedback loop of everyone else having to follow suit—that is, until you get to the last person.

But, should you value a stranger's comfort over your own once the proverbial window has been broken? Is it your right to recline or should everyone just agree to keep their seats locked in an upright position, regardless of their height or conditions? Further, should you ask the person behind you if they mind you space invading, as a courtesy? And if someone does get "cozy," is it ever okay to raise your fists? (The answer to that last one is "nope.") And finally, can we all agree that the solution is free in-flight rum for all? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! And in the meantime, if you're looking for a way to make your travels a tad more comfortable, here's a roundup of the best neck pillows. Happy (sky) trails!

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