Reactions To "Welcome To Eden" Prove That Just One Season Is Not Enough

What would you do if you got a text from an unknown number inviting you for an exclusive party on an island? Well, that's how the story of Netflix's latest thriller from Spain, Welcome to Eden, kicks off. The protagonists are all hedonistic young adults who after getting the text romp off to a secluded island (sort of like Squid Game) that's the cradle of a secret society called Eden.

A girl texts on her phone while lying on her bed

On the island, only five of the multifarious partygoers are selected to join the society (while others vanish mysteriously). These five would have to grapple with mysterious scenarios and unanswered questions, and endeavor to escape the island.


Let's take a look at what viewers are saying about this new thriller from Netflix.

A girl looks in mock surprise at someone

1.Simple praise for an exquisite show.

2.The show is being showered with exaltations.

3.The first episode does a great job of piquing our curiosity.

4.The show has paid as much attention to LGBTQ representation as it paid to its gripping story.



7.Please start watching the show only if you have the time to binge watch.

8.Netflix, you better not cancel this series.


10.Lots of unanswered questions.

11.People are already thirsting for the next season.

12.A sentiment that is not so uncommon.

13.Seems almost everyone binge-watched the show.

14.Creativity in the compliments, too.

15.This show surely is addictive.

16.Fans of Belinda Peregrín are getting an extra treat from this show.

17.What would you do, fellas?

18.Those who have such people in their lives are quite lucky.

19.The show has a glittering cast.

20.The best scene for many.