I Figured Out What Season Of "That '70s Show" Is The Best One And Now It Seems So Obvious

That '70s Show was a true great among early aughts sitcoms. From 1998–2006, it gave us some of the best characters in pop culture, all with a flashback that still felt super relatable.

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The show gave us so many great characters and while some actors' lives have taken controversial turns in the years since the show aired, there's a lot to appreciate about the show as it was.

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One of the great things about That '70s Show is that the cast of adults is just as interesting and hilarious as the teen cast.

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Who among us doesn't have a Red Forman moment as an adult?

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I ranked the seasons of the show that introduced us to Laura Prepon and gave us the power couple that is Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher, and here's what I thought, from worst to best.

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8.Season 8

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There is absolutely no reason Jackie and Fez should have ever been together. The end.

7.Season 7

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Also worth noting that this was the blonde Donna era...make of that what you will.

6.Season 6

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There are also a lot of random additions in Season 6 to try and fill the void of what was missing in the rest of the cast's storylines. The season threw them all a little out of sync.

5.Season 5

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Season 5 comes in hot with Donna and Kelso's California adventure and the unforgettable Jessica Simpson arc, which opens up the door for the Hyde-Jackie relationship (which had its moments, but overall, meh).

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It also started showing some development in characters who hadn't grown as much as the rest of the gang, which earns it some credit.

4.Season 4

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Season 4 brought the Eric and Donna break up which changed dynamics and gave both characters some much-needed room to grow.

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It's also the season that mixed things up by bringing Luke Wilson on to star as the elder Kelso brother, and while we hated it for Donna and Eric, we didn't hate it for Donna herself — go, girl! 💃

3.Season 3

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Season 3 is full of high comedy, between "Roller Disco," "Dine and Dash," and "The Promise RIng."

2.Season 1

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All props to Season 1 for introducing us to the gang, to the circle, and to life in Point Place, Wisconsin. The cast chemistry was great and they were really believable as a group of friends.

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The show did a really sweet job of introducing its main relationships. You had to root for Eric and Donna because of how hopelessly nerdy and cute they were.

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And as absurd as they each were, how could you not love Jackie and Kelso?

Kitty Forman asking for a cigarette

1.Season 2

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The show really found its groove in Season 2 and gave us some classic episodes: "Garage Sale" — where the gang's parents get a hold of their special brownies, "Laurie and the Professor" — where Laurie's return from college reveals a relationship with her professor, and "Kelso's Serenade" — where he begged Jackie to take him backie.

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The Laurie-Eric rivalry really brought a lot of rich moments to the season. Laurie was the best kind of lovable adversary.

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Season 2 also built on the Jackie and Donna friendship, which ends up being a surprisingly awesome connection.

Do you agree with my rankings? Let's hear it in the comments.