"Stranger Things" Season 4 Songs Ranked, And Sorry, "Running Up That Hill" Is #6

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Stranger Things Season 4 had some pretty EPIC moments, and most of them were underscored by some pretty iconic songs.

Netflix / Via giphy.com

So I ranked all of the most important musical moments from the whole season because it simply needed to be done. Let's go!

Netflix / Via giphy.com


16."Travelin' Man" by Ricky Nelson

What a jaunty little song for a kidnapping! We're having a good ol' time as Yuri loads Joyce and Murray into his plane to sell them as prisoners to the Russian government. And that's fun!  

What a jaunty little song for a kidnapping! We're having a good ol' time as Yuri loads Joyce and Murray into his plane to sell them as prisoners to the Russian government. And that's fun!


15."Object of My Desire" by Starpoint

Robin and Steve in a car

This song has energy and drive! And it lets us know we have love interests, honey! It was the perfect backdrop for one of Steve's greatest lines: "I like boobies. You like boobies. Vickie likes boobies!" Hehehehe.


14."Pass the Dutchie" by Musical Youth

Argyle wearing a cap and driving a car

Oh, wasn't this a fun little moment of comedy? The Byers home is getting absolutely shot to shit by secret government agents, and Argyle is just boppin' to his stoner music, so unaware of the adventure that lay before him. You have to laugh.


13."Wipeout" by the Surfaris

Eleven at a skating rink

Honestly, I wanted to rate this the lowest because the MOMENT blowssssssss. It's so hard to watch. Why are kids so mean? I'm still scared of them, tbh! But this song is so gooooood! If you're mad, just remember that Angela gets hers in the end and feel better. (But actually, that scene made me physically ill.)


12."Every Breath You Take" by the Police

Character sitting at a table looking sad

Oh, you think everything is going to be okay, now that we're back at the Snow Ball? Well, think again, sweetie! Vecna literally said, "I'll be watchin' you!" EVERY step you take. EVERY move you make. Honestly, this song is starting to creep me the F out.


11."California Dreamin'" by the Beach Boys

Eleven and Will in school

This song was really effective here! It's a certified bop but also has a sort of sad, melancholic feeling to it that really portrays Elle's struggle of feeling so out of place in CaLiFoRniA, but wanting to appear as if she's thriving. (Okay, wow. I guess I'm a music critic!)


10."Up Around the Bend" by Creedence Clearwater Revival

Robin, Steve, and Eddie in a vehicle looking at something

9."Detroit Rock City" by Kiss

People at the Hellfire Club

8."Fire and Rain" by James Taylor


7."Dream a Little Dream of Me" by Ella Fitzgerald

Characters sitting at a dining table

I used to really love this song, but hahahahaha. I'll never hear it the same way again ahahahaha. OMG, somebody help me, I'm scared...hahahahah. AHHHHHHH!


6."Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)" by Kate Bush

Max in the school hallway with headphones

5."Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" by Journey

Steve driving

THIS. MOMENT!!!! We're on our way to fight Vecna. We're going to Murder House™. We're giving everyone their last looks. And I don't know about you, but I was a lil' stressed out here because I thought literally every character was going to die.


Thought he was gonna die.

Lucas looking sad

Thought she was gonna die. Then she did. :'(

Max looking serious

Wasn't too worried about her dying, but you never know!

Robin looking serious

Definitely thought he was gonna die, and hated being right. Whyyyyyyyy :'''(

Eddie looking serious

Was too distracted by whatever this outfit was to think he was gonna die. But maybe in the back of my mind.

Character wearing a hoodie and headband and looking sad

Felt like they couldn't possibly let her die, but they made it seem like maybe!!

Erica looking serious

Did prayer circles with my witch friends to make sure she didn't die. You're welcome.

Nancy looking serious

And then Max bravely faces her fate. Like, what a fearless little badass.

Max standing outside with two other characters

And then it all crescendos with this final shot of the Creel House and says, "You ready for the finale, bitch?"

The Creel House

We, in fact, were not ready.


4."Master of Puppets," by Metallica

Eddie playing guitar

This scene was cuckoo-bananas fun!! Wowie, wowie, wow. Eddie just WAILING on his guitar, luring all the Demobats away from Vecna's lair so Nancy & Co. could fuck his shit up. And there couldn't be more going on in this scene!


Max is trying to escape the prison in her own mind. Relatable.

Max in a gloomy setting

Vecna is looming around every goddamn corner rasping, "Maxiiiiiiiine." So off-putting.

Vecna at the top of stairs

Literal shit tons of Demobats are on the move, and they did not come to play — they came to slay. But, like, for real.

Demobats flying

Oh good! Jason's here! Just what we needed!

Jason looking serious

Run, Erica, run!

Erica looking serious

Why not throw a horrifying memory of Billy into the mix? Might as well!

Billy seen through the window of a door yelling

But at the end of the day, this scene was ÉPIQUE! And Eddie is an angel and a rock star, and we'll hold him in our hearts till the end of time.

Eddie playing guitar

3."Stranger Things Theme (Orchestral Arrangement)"

Characters looking up anxiously

Like Karen Wheeler, who said, "I'd like a larger role in Season 5, plz." And we said, "Yes, Mawmaw! Us too!" (And Holly was also there.)

Karen and Holly looking through a window

Erica and Lucas gave each other knowing looks, like, "What if we just peaced? Lol...but, like, what if?"

Erica and Lucas standing at a window and looking at each other

These three took a break from PB&J duty, and I'm not sure they asked.

Steve and others looking out a window

Dustin got a shot all to himself. Lil' diva.

A crowd of people, including Dustin, looking up

Elle was pissed about the flowers. Anything but the flowers.

Eleven standing ahead of others in a field of flowers

Mike and Will showed us all that gays and straights really can be friends. Who knew?


Nancy turned out one last look before the world ends, and Jonathan wondered if he was maybe too high.


Hopper and Joyce were perfect, and I made no jokes about them because I love them too much.

Hopper in a cap and plaid shirt and Joyce standing in a field with flowers

And then we got this shot and all collectively pissed ourselves.

People in a field with flowers and looking at fire and smoke

Oh yeah, and now a lot of violins were playing. We loved it!


2."Running Up That Hill Reprise I" by Kate Bush

Were you mad earlier when you thought I rated this song number six? Hahaha. Gotcha, bitch! What a little scamp am I. But let's get serious here. This moment was JAW-DROPPING!!!!!! Give

Were you mad earlier when you thought I rated this song number six? Hahaha. Gotcha, bitch! What a little scamp am I. But let's get serious here. This moment was JAW-DROPPING!!!!!! Give "Dear Billy" an Emmy NOW. Let's not wait. I don't think I took a single breath during this entire sequence!


No breaths here.

Max running

Or here.

Back view of Max running

None as she ran up that hill.


Or when she made a deal with God.

Max running with her mouth open

Okay, we can breathe again.

Four people sitting in a field

I was completely emotionally dismantled when these four collapsed into a pile of friendship, and I couldn't quite believe what we had been through. We felt so safe, didn't we? What fools we were back then. Not knowing what would come next. But God bless Kate Bush. And speaking of Kate Bush...


1."Running Up That Hill Reprise II" by Kate Bush

Eleven with a nosebleed

We got to see Eleven pin ol' Vecs to a tree, which was nice.

Vecna pinned to a tree as Eleven looks on

And we got to see this Demogorgon show hole. (OMG, I don't know if I can say that, but oops, I did. Hahah.)

A Demogorgon

Hopper had a GD sword! (My friends were like, "Where did he get a sWoRd??" And I was like, "From the weapons locker from earlier. God, am I the only one watching this show??")

Shaven-haired Hopper with a sword

Steve, host that he is, mixed up a nice Molotov cocktail for Vecna.

Steve throwing a Molotov cocktail

And Vecna imbibed.

Vecna in flames

Robin said, "Veccy-poo, would you like anotha?"


And he was like, "Yes ma'am. Moar moar moar!"

Vecna in flames

And then Nancy showed us all that she is actually the main character of the show.

Close-up of Nancy with a weapon

And no one could disagree. (Except for people in the comments.)

Nancy firing a weapon

And Vecna fell out of a window like he was Kristen Johnston in Season 6 of Sex and the City. Bye, girl!

Vecna in flames falling out of a window

Wow. What a fun time we had. We gotta give it up to music supervisor Nora Felder this season. She really did an impeccable job from start to finish. We salute you and can't wait for Season 5!


Did we miss any of your favorite Stranger Things musical moments? Let us know in the comments!