This Product is like Farrah Fawcett Hair in a Bottle

This Product is like Farrah Fawcett Hair in a Bottle

Although there are so many other important ways women are trying to have it all in this world, one area that still presents an issue is that of hair. Do you want volume and predictability? Pull out that blow dryer. Do you want to reclaim your time? Then go ahead and air dry, but the result will be left to the fates.

I too was stuck in this dichotomy, mostly opting to blow dry my hair every morning to exercise some sort of control over my strands. Then one morning I found my usual styling aid had run dry, and found a bottle of Evo’s Shape Vixen (a find during one of our sister magazine’s product closet giveaways) that I hadn’t cracked open yet.

WATCH: Interview with Busy Phillips

In a time crunch, I decided to give the caramel-colored gel a try. As soon as I turned my head right-side-up and put my dryer down, I was, excuse me, blown away. All the illusive adjectives and adverbs that so many other hair styling aids promise from texture and body to softness and moldability were suddenly mine.

Feeling emboldened, I decided to test its air drying ability the next morning. The results were even better. Suddenly my natural wave pattern was defined, and the volume I once only expected to get from a blow-out was still there. I didn’t know what to do with all the extra time I had just incurred. Should I start writing the next great American novel? Or at least make a smoothie for breakfast?

I would write a more definitive statement on the magic of this Australian brand’s creation, but the one emblazoned on its bottle say it all: “Shape Vixen is the Mr. Wolf of styling issues. The complete total of all sums. The beginning of all ends. Sunrise, sunset, and the full moon all in one… somewhat eerie really.”

I couldn’t agree more.