Pregnant mom shuts down nasty TikTok comment: ‘Why are we so obsessed with the number on the scale?’

A TikTok mom is striking back — in the most gracious way — at those who body shame pregnant mamas.

When mom and content creator, Stevie Moon (@thehealthcurator), received a nasty comment on TikTok regarding her recent weight gain, she decided to film her response.

In the video, the original comment can be read: “You’ve seemed to gained a lot of weight during your pregnancy. Do you think you’ll ever get back to your lightest. It’s a lot.”

Stevie, 32 weeks pregnant with her second child, starts by saying, “Now, I know this comment comes from somebody who doesn’t realize how inappropriate it is to talk to another human being like this…”

Stevie goes on to ask, “Why are we so obsessed with the number on the scale, and talking to mamas who are growing human beings and bringing souls to earth, with the focus always on their weight, or how ‘good they look for being pregnant?’”

She continues, “My first pregnancy, I was completely unconscious. I didn’t take care of myself. I ate like crap. I gained 55 pounds. THIS pregnancy, I’m nourishing, moving, hydrating, sleeping — and my body is still gaining weight.”

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In the end, Stevie sums it up by asking, “So what can we surmise? Pregnant women gain weight. It’s healthy and natural… The vanity metrics don’t matter.”

‘Thank you! More people need to know!’

Parents in the comments lauded Stevie — not only for normalizing weight gain during pregnancy, but for the kind and gracious way in which she responded.

One viewer commented, “This could not have been handled more beautifully. The grace & class in your soul is so tender. What a lucky baby with an amazing mama!”

Another viewer was dumbfounded by the body shaming comment. “You’re literally in your third trimester. How could anyone expect you not to look slightly different? There’s close to a full formed human IN you?”

One of Stevie’s followers commented, “He didn’t even deserve an explanation from you bestie” — to which the Stevie replied, “It’s not for them. It’s for any other mama who has faced this negating energy as they bring a soul to earth.”

According to the CDC, gaining weight is completely normal and to be expected during pregnancy — no matter your starting weight. In fact, weight gain is essential to the health and growth of your baby.

So, expecting mamas, be sure to discuss your weight gain goals with your health care providers — and remember, in the words of Stevie Moon, vanity metrics don’t matter!

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