A Pre-K Class Made A Cookbook And It’s The Funniest Thing You’ll See All Day

Photo credit: Getty/Jordan Adams
Photo credit: Getty/Jordan Adams

From Delish

When I think of a “kid’s cookbook,” images of dino nuggets and uncrusted PB & J’s spring to mind. But there are no Lunchables with Capri Sun pairings to be found in the latest pre-k cookbook to go viral. No, the culinary stylings of this group will honestly shake you to your core. Proud uncle Jordan Adams shared some pages from his nephew Ethan's pre-k class cookbook on Twitter; it’s innovative, raw, and all I’ll be thinking about it for the next several hours.

Adams captioned photos from the book, “My nephew Ethan’s pre-k class made a cook book, and all the kids had to come up with all the recipes so much better than I could’ve imagined.”

Excerpts include Ethan’s Eggs, which somehow require a one hour prep time, but can be cooked in a mere two seconds. Joe’s Tacos will have any clueless cook feeling seen with serving and cost suggestions that simply read, “I don’t even know.” The best part is you won’t have to run to the grocery store for cheese, because Joe let his readers know he’s got some at his house.

Before you ask pedestrian questions such as, “How can ‘Ariana’s Macaroni’ list a backpack as an ingredient?” or “Does Sebastian mean stove when he writes ‘hot thingy’ in his pancake recipe?,” think about the inventiveness that went into these recipes! Did Ina Garten ever craft an egg dish with SKITTLES? Didn't think so!

The kids’ ability to think outside the box found an appreciative audience. One user replied to the tweet with a photo of salt and the caption, “I just whipped up some of Sebastian’s pancakes, absolutely amazing; a true culinary prodigy.” Another added, “joe is so stressed out. it’s ok joe, you don’t have to make the tacos.” One user hilariously observed, “The Teachers out here really just writing down the children’s pure stream of consciousness.”

If you need me, I’ll be searching for the $70 salt needed for Sebastian’s pancakes.

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