27 Movie Scenes So Powerful, They Always Give People Major Goosebumps

Recently, in a thread on the subreddit r/movies, redditor u/Equal-Astronaut-8681 asked, "What’s a movie scene that instantly gives you goosebumps every time you see it?" and movie lovers really came through with some great responses!

The hair on a teenagers arm stands up
The hair on a teenagers arm stands up

Marvel Studios

So, with that in mind, here are just a few of the most popular responses shared:

1.The Matrix (1999)

A man uses his powers to stop bullets midair
Warner Bros.

"The scene when Neo finally finds his powers and fights Mr. Smith in the hallway."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

2.Sister Act (1992)

Screenshot from "Sister Act"
Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

"When they perform for a packed church and The Pope. The music is just sublime."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

3.Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope (1977)

A young man looks at two setting suns
LucasFilm Ltd.

"The binary sunset scene when Luke is just staring out at the horizon, contemplating his life as the music swells. And there are TWO suns, holy shit."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

4.Whiplash (2014)

A man sits at a drumset
Sony Pictures Classics

"The ending. From Andrew being completely kicked when he was down to Andrew finally standing up for himself. Fletcher still casting his anger, Andrew’s dad being horrified, Fletcher coming around, Andrew’s solo, Fletcher's approval — the end. So good."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

5.Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Spider-Man flies through a newspaper reading "HE'S BACK"
Sony Pictures

"When Peter Parker returns as Spider-Man and breaks through the newspaper. Absolutely loved the scene as a kid and thought that, as an adult, it would be corny. But man, the music and the cinematography are just topnotch. So epic."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

6.The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

A man on a horse at the top of a hill
New Line Cinema

"The ride of the Rohirrim."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

7.Gladiator (2000)

A man looks angrily at another man
DreamWorks Distribution

"When Maximus removes his helmet in the arena to Commodus."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

8.Rocky II (1979)

A bloodied man holds up a boxing championship belt
United Artists

"The end: 'Yo Adrian, I DID IT!'"


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

9.The Dark Knight (2008)

A man hands another man a detonator
Warner Bros. Pictures

"The ferry scene, when the big guy says, 'Give it to me, and I'll do what you should've did 10 minutes ago,' then threw away the detonator."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

10.Requiem for a Dream (2000)

A woman cries as she tells a story
Artisan Entertainment

"When he asks his mom why she cares about the dress, and she explains that it's all she has left and that, now that his dad is gone, she has nothing but him, TV, and the dress. It makes me think about what it will be like when my dad dies. It gets me every time. I'm getting goosebumps describing it!"


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

11.Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012)

A man and a woman lie facing each other in bed
Focus Features

"The last scene."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

12.Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace (1999)

A man holds a two sided lightsaber
LucasFilm Ltd.

"When 'Duel of the Fates' starts playing."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

13.Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

A man, a tree, and a raccoon arrive in Wakanda
Marvel Studios

"Thor's entrance into Wakanda. It's the ultimate goosebumps machine every time."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

14.Field of Dreams (1989)

A man in a baseball uniform stands in a field
Universal Pictures

"Archibald 'Moonlight' Graham (the doctor) stepping off the field to save Ray's daughter, and therefore breaking the spell. And afterwards, as he is leaving, the other ball players telling him he was great."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

15.Blade Runner (1982)

A man stands in the rain
Warner Bros.

"'I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like...tears in rain.'"


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

16.Edward Scissorhands (1990)

A woman dances around in the snow
20th Century Fox

"There's a bunch, so I'll go with the very first one that made me feel something like that when I was a teenager, which was when Edward Scissorhands was making the ice sculpture for Winona Ryder's character. I just rewatched it: same goosebumps. Remember when Danny Elfman and Tim Burton were unstoppable?"


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

17.Billy Elliot (2000)

A man in makeup stands on stage
Universal Pictures

"The ending scene. The final swell of the music and the look on Billy’s dad’s face…it makes me want to sob just thinking about it."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

18.Promising Young Woman (2020)

An outdoor wedding
Focus Features

"The closing moments when all the guys who were implicit in her (and her friend's) demise were rounded up by police at the wedding."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

19.Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

A man yells to his son from the bridge of a spaceship
LucasFilm Ltd.

"When Han Solo yells, 'Ben!' at Kylo Ren. It's the first time you hear his birth name, and it instantly tells an entire story in your mind. That movie has its flaws, but that sequence was perfect."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

20.Back to the Future (1985)

Lightning strikes a car
Universal Pictures

"When the lightning strikes the clock tower. ALWAYS."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

21.La La Land (2016)

A woman smiles at a man
LucasFilm Ltd.

"When they nod at each other in the final scene."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

22.Rudy (1993)

A group of football players prepare for a play
TriStar Pictures

"Rudy sacking the quarterback, and everyone who ever doubted him cheering his name as he proves to everyone what he’s capable of."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

23.Ratatouille (2007)

A rat looks on at the Eiffel Tower

"When Remy reaches the top of the building and realizes he’s in Paris. It gives me chills every time, and I’m swelling with emotion typing this."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

24.Hook (1991)

A man throws invisible food at a kid
TriStar Pictures

"The scene when Peter suddenly sees all the food."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

25.Fight Club (1999)

A couple stand before a window while buildings collapse
20th Century Fox

"The ending. 'You met me at a very strange time in my life.'"


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

26.Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

A man is surrounded by lightning
Marvel Studios

"When 'The Chain' starts playing again toward the end."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

And finally:

27.Casablanca (1942)

A man sings before a band
Warner Bros. Pictures

"The 'La Marseillaise' scene when the French out sing and drown out the Nazis. The tears in the eyes of the actors and extras, many of whom were refugees, were genuine."


You can watch the goosebumps-inducing scene here:

You've read their picks, but now it's your turn! What's a movie scene that never fails to give you goosebumps? Share in the comments below!

Some responses were edited for length and/or clarity. H/T: Reddit.