People Are Sharing The Most "Oh, Screw You" Movie Scenes Of All Time, And I Can't Stop Laughing

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Recently, in a viral thread, redditor u/fleeginfloggin asked, "Which movie scene made you go 'Oh, fuck off?'" and movie lovers came through with some A+ examples!

A man flips off someone off screen while smiling
A man flips off someone off screen while smiling


So, with that in mind, here are just a few of the most popular responses shared:

1.2012 (2009)

Screenshot from "2012"
Sony Pictures Releasing

"47 seconds into the movie: 'The neutrinos...they're mutating!' I snorted, and my high school girlfriend hit me."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

2.Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

A man stands in a crowd, looking distraught
LucasFilm Ltd.

"'Somehow, Palpatine returned.'"


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

3.The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)

A man jumps from stone to stone
Warner Bros.

"That scene when Legolas is jumping off of falling rocks and actually makes progress upwards. Weirdly enough, it'd be fine in an anime — maybe it was just how they CGI'ed it that looked awful."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

4.Passengers (2016)

A spaceship overcome with florals
Sony Pictures Releasing

"When Jennifer Lawrence chose to stay with Chris Pratt even though he was being a gigantic creep and ruined her whole life by waking her up on purpose. And then, they live happily ever after."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

5.Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

A man falls out of a fridge
Paramount Pictures

"When Indiana Jones got into a lead-lined fridge, and it got flung hundreds of feet by a blast, and then he got out in one piece."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

6.Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)

A woman stands in the rain
Rank Film Distributors

"When Andie MacDowell said the line, 'Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed.' With all the conviction of reading the active ingredients in cat litter. It's stupid, and one of the worst line deliveries in history. Even Hugh Grant looks embarrassed."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

7.Law Abiding Citizen (2009)

A man watches a play on a stage
Overture Films

"The ending scene. It's such a great movie, and then it completely shit the bed for a finale."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

8.Wanted (2008)

A woman fires a gun
Universal Pictures

"The circle bullet scene."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

9.The Game (1997)

A man at a party holding up a shirt that reads: "I was drugged and left for dead in Mexico, and all I got was this stupid t-shirt"
PolyGram Films

"That Michael Douglas movie. At the end, Sean Penn steps out and says 'happy birthday' after all the shit that happened to Douglas. I saw this in the theater, and there was silence, then someone in the back said, 'Oh, FUCK YOU.' To this day, I’ve never laughed so hard in a movie."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

10.The Boy (2016)

A man emerges from a wall
STX Entertainment

"The reveal that it is actually the son living in the walls, rather than a ghost. I was enjoying the suspense until that. It just felt poorly done; there was really no lead up to it. I felt like they ran out of ideas and just filmed it last second to wrap up the movie. I think if executed properly, it could have been an okay twist, but it just makes me mad every time I think of it."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

11.Suicide Squad (2016)

  Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.

"The scene when Harley Quinn slow-mo tosses Deadshot her gun to shoot the thing. Mofo, you are Deadshot with guns everywhere on your suit!"


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

12.Titanic (1997)

A woman holds a massive diamond necklace
Paramount Pictures

"The end scene where that awful woman pitches the priceless historical artifact into the ocean."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

13.Pretty in Pink (1986)

A man and woman embrace in a parking lot
Paramount Pictures

"Blane (the name of a major appliance) asked Andie to prom and then ghosted her. Later at prom, when she goes by herself, she ends up meeting up with her friend Duckie, but Blane meets up with her outside and lays some bullshit on her. He says, 'I always believed in you.' No, you didn’t, you asshole! You treated her like shit the whole movie, and then at the end tried to act like you have been such a great guy the whole time. (I have to admit that I didn’t see this until I was an adult. As a teenager, I probably would have thought it was sweet and romantic.)"


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

14.Don't Look Up (2021)

A young man and woman sit at a dinner table, praying

"As much as I loved this movie, the scene at the end where they're praying at dinner. Two scientists, a scientific family, with no hint of religion at all, and they're praying. Fuck off."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

15.V for Vendetta (2005)

A man in a mask kisses a woman
Warner Bros.

"When Evey and V kiss. I’m pretty sure I rolled my eyes and said out loud, 'Oh, fuck me!' Still to this day, I cannot bring myself to rewatch that movie."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

16.Mother! (2017)

A woman sobs
Paramount Pictures

"During THAT scene, I accidentally said, 'Are you fucking kidding me?!' out loud in a silent theater."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

17.La La Land (2016)

A woman in blue lighting smiles at someone off screen

"The last 30 or so minutes. I sat through Ryan Gosling's horrible singing for the entire movie only for him and Emma Stone to break up, then she moves on to someone else?! Absolutely fuck off. I was so pissed — and am still extremely pissed — whenever I think about what a waste of time that movie was."


You can watch the (questionable) scene here:

18.The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

A woman hands off a bag to a man
Warner Bros.

"At the end of the movie when that woman informed the audience that Joseph Gordon Levitt’s character’s real name is 'Robin.' I think I audibly said, 'Oh, fuck this shit' right in the theater. I had already had enough of that movie and its stupidity, but that really capped it off."


You can watch the (questionable) trailer here:

And finally, not one scene — but a whole film:

19.Christmas with the Kranks (2004)

A woman frantically talks on the phone
Sony Pictures Releasing

"Not one scene, but the entire premise of the movie. If the parents would have just fucking said, 'Nah, we’re not feeling it this year. We're going try something new and travel for Christmas!' or had anyone else communicated(!), then the ridiculous cringe fest that followed could have been avoided. I hate that movie."


You can watch the (questionable) trailer here:

All right, you've read their picks, but now, it's your turn! Which scenes did they miss? What movie scene made you irrationally angry? Share in the comments below!

Some responses were edited for length and/or clarity. H/T: Reddit.