Parkland students respond to Donald Trump's gun control tweet

President Donald Trump got gun-reform activists heated this week with one strong early morning tweet. Trump is not in favor of touching the United States Second Amendment.

In his statement, Trump referred to an op-ed in the New York Times titled John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment. The retired conservative Supreme Court Justice explained his reasoning on why the constitution should be changed to include more gun restrictions in America.

This clearly did not sit well with the president, and Trump’s response equally rubbed supporters of gun-form the wrong way. In response, several of the Parkland shooting victims began tweeting back at the president, trolling his gun stance.

Of course, there were many who agreed with Trump’s tweet. They too voiced their opinions on the gun control debate on Twitter, applauding the president’s strong stance.

And like with any good argument, there were the moderates, who insist that America can have it’s cake and eat it too.