Oscar Mayer Released A Face Mask And Yes, It Looks Like Actual Bologna

Photo credit: Amazon
Photo credit: Amazon

I have to say, I love bologna as much as the next person, but not once in my life have I ever thought to put a slice on my face as a moisturizing mask for a self care moment. Well, Oscar Mayer has—sort of.

Last week, they released a bologna-inspired face mask that looks a lot like the real thing. The packaging is red and yellow with a pink circle that looks like bologna, and the actual mask is that same iconic color. In fact, if you put it on, you'll look like Dwight that iconic CPR scene from The Office.

But this isn't just some random skin care product. The brand partnered up with Seoul Mamas, a Korean skin care company, to create the mask, so you know it has to be good.

It has witch hazel and ingredients derived from seaweed to hydrate and help retain moisture in your skin and collagen to promote skin elasticity. And it just happens to look exactly like bologna. But (fortunately? unfortunately?), the mask is not edible. There's even a very large warning on the front of the packaging that says "do not eat bologna masks." What a weird world we are currently living in.

The mask sold out the first day it was released. I guess people really want to see the glowing effects of bologna. But it's now back in stock, so I am currently adding it to my cart. You know, for science. Will report back.

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