This One Trick Will Help You Get Your Steps in Even on Your Busiest Day

From business meetings to picking up your child from school, it may seem close to impossible to schedule any time for yourself during a busy day. Finding time to exercise can be especially difficult. But staying active doesn’t require a gym membership.

20 Ways To Stay Active With A Busy Schedule

Walking is one of the simplest exercises that most people can do even without a ton of free time. If you have five or 30 minutes to spare, a walk could lead to better heart health and boost your muscle strength and endurance.

But how can you afford to make that time when your schedule is packed with deadlines or chores around the house? Try setting an alarm to remind you to take a walk. This will also build the habit of taking breaks. Taking breaks can help improve your mental health and also help prevent future health issues, such as diabetes, according to some studies.

There are many ways you can use this trick. If you sit at a desk all day, put an alarm on your computer to remind you to walk around the office for a few minutes. There are even apps that allow you to set a screen timer on your computer to let you know how long you’ve been staring at the screen and that you should take a break. So use this opportunity to take a lap around the office, walk to the bathroom farthest from your desk or go outside for lunch.

Use a tracker to help keep you motivated throughout the day. Make a goal at the beginning of your day or week and track your progress. And once you’ve mastered this tip, check out 20 other ways to stay active with a busy schedule.